The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
So a lot of chores done today. House cleaned, three loads of washing, beds changed, more kindling kindled, last beans picked for freezer, tea made.

I now have a whisky - large!!!

Five of our guys are on the Ride Across Britain event. For those who don't know this is a very expensive way to ride LeJog - £1800 for nine days.

Anyway they are on home turf tomorrow, riding through Lancashire. Foolishly a few of us committed to support them for a few miles. The forecast is, can't put it any other way, shoot!!!

Tomorrow I will be a very wet Paul. :sad::blink::rain::rain::sad:
I will probably still be waiting for the police to eventually turn up...…………...


Well-Known Member
I think I've found my perfect t shirt Screenshot_20190910_200304.jpg


Legendary Member
I stopped smoking in 1977, but once in a while I crave a cigarette, I suspect it's just something that ex smokers sometimes get.

The time it usually happens is sitting quietly outside with a drink. Then it enters my head that just one would be great. Of course it's never just one which is why it took me so long to kick the habit.

Guess what I was doing this evening ^_^

I can't imagine what it must be like with alcohol or hard drugs.
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