The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Morning. Just a degree above but it's dry. The start of the Marcothon Challenge. Not convinced I want to do it now. :laugh: There is a great group on Facebook trying to spur each other on though, from the beginner plodders through to very experienced runners. I'll just get out and get it done when I've finished my coffee.


Legendary Member
Morning all.......hope everyone is well.
Its 'that time of year' again.....every song on the radio is a christmas one. I confess to enjoying some of them-even some of the classics eg Slade----but you can only take so much :wacko:
I slept a lot yesterday, was in bed early, so woke early (that's Dave early.......not Mo early).
Its a cold one at just 1° and set to stay at that all morning.


Started young, and still going.
Morning all.......hope everyone is well.
Its 'that time of year' again.....every song on the radio is a christmas one. I confess to enjoying some of them-even some of the classics eg Slade----but you can only take so much :wacko:
I slept a lot yesterday, was in bed early, so woke early (that's Dave early.......not Mo early).
Its a cold one at just 1° and set to stay at that all morning.
I have had enough of R2 Christmas songs already, and it's only been 40 minutes worth. MrsP won't let me put R4 on:sad:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Good morning. And wow. 1st December already. Only 25 days to christmas:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Daek and cold here with temps of 1 deg stay safe folks :hello:


Slightly retro
West Wales
Good morning! Currently sitting in a little booth watching the dawn come up and manning a barrier. It's bloody freezing. (I've been retired two years but go back occasionally to help out with cover. Part of my employer's site has been converted to a Nightingale hospital, and there is a 24-hour security requirement. Plenty of work for an oldie!) The parts to complete a lightweight build I am doing have arrived, but I don't get any playtime until Wednesday, dammit.

Dawn sky is spectacular.
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