The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
He is outside allegedly doing manly stuff with a Makita thing :laugh:
Doing manly stuff with Nikita :ohmy: :blush:


Legendary Member
I have been doing houseworky stuff. I got my marigolds on and tackled the bathroom, cleaned the dishes, vacuumed, dusted, made the bed yada yada. I have been a good girl. I deserve a cup of coffee now :cuppa:
I had the 1st load of washing on by 0630 ^_^
3 lots wash and dried now.
Just put bath mats and towels in.
Dishes done..... just need drying.
Can I swear on here ???
I am totally f'ing knackered.


Started young, and still going.
Good afternoon all, late on parade today.
MrsP wanted to go to the garden centre, did I really, as I need some bags of potting compost and get this years seeds. All accomplished. So 3x75 ltr bags of compost, various veg seeds and flowers. almost time to get sowing. I have an indoor heated propagator to start the tomatoes , peppers and the geraniums off,
It's been raining on and off all morning, but is up. now brightening up.


If 6 Was 9
If a big blond called Nakita came round here and asked me to do manly things I would crap myself......I wouldn't have the strength.
Nikita is a Russian male first name. ;)


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Fortunately, Mrs Boldonlad does not come on here, but, just in case she is watching over my shoulder, would you guys please stop talking about doing housework type things, it might give Mrs @BoldonLad ideas, and wreck my carefully planned leisure time ;)

We managed our longest cycle ride so far, of 2021, a 20 mile circuit around the coast. Bright sunny day, 11C, but, with a cold and brisk wind blowing.




Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out to be a nice day so far and got out for some exercise on the trike.
Still windy and temperature about 7C but did not feel as cold as it has been recently. Wind is more westerly now which does not feel as cold. My fingers were still a bit cold but moved to mid season trousers and will need to start reducing the body layers soon.
More cars parked around than I have seen before but only one person out on foot visible. The others may have been out at the lochside tho' I don't think the fishing season has started yet.
My gardening fanatic neighbour is out weeding now in another garden which borders on to mine. My border is a bit of a mess but needs to get some old growth cut back with the shears. The other side is also beginning to get a bit weedy but the bluebells should cover that up soon I hope. The grass is about 80% moss by the looks of it but I cannot be bothered doing anything about that.
I may just get a contractor to come in and remove the lot and replace with gravel. Unfortunately there is a steep slope which is rock not far under the surface so that will be a problem.
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