The Retirement Thread

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Morning all. Gloriously hot and sunny here in North Wales.
Off for my second Bill Gates/5g chip vaccination this morning, so will take the kit car as I don't fancy the 8% hill on the bike, although it's generally fun on the way back šŸ˜

Well I'm back, still no 5g signal though, I'm disappointed with Bill Gates tbh. I'd have liked to get rid of my phone and just communicate automatically.


Good morning from Lancashire where it is gloriously sunny. I've had a truly awful night's sleep. Not the best preparation for today's activities.

Today is a walking day. We will largely be walking the same route as Tuesday but adding in an extra 2.5 miles to include a very high climb which offers a 360ā° view across Yorkshire and Lancashire. We're repeating it because this is a beautiful walk our friends will greatly enjoy and the views should be spectacular. Unusually I was sunburned on Wednesday. Factor 50 will be slathered on.

I've done the ironing. Time to prepare a picnic. I will ask Mrs P to drive to the meet point as I may well fall asleep for 40 minutes in the car.

I'm intrigued that you iron, I haven't touched an iron since I retired. What needs ironing?


If 6 Was 9

Proper Devon weather here today.:okay:


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
I'm intrigued that you iron, I haven't touched an iron since I retired. What needs ironing?

Daughter No.2 has a healthy attitude towards ironing, ie, she doesn't do any.

Her solution is (her words) "I just fat my clothes out, no wrinkles in a balloon". ;)

She is a teacher, thankfully, of Maths, not English ;)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Today is a walking day. We will largely be walking the same route as Tuesday but adding in an extra 2.5 miles to include a very high climb which offers a 360ā° view across Yorkshire and Lancashire. We're repeating it because this is a beautiful walk our friends will greatly enjoy and the views should be spectacular. Unusually I was sunburned on Wednesday. Factor 50 will be slathered on.
Lad Law/Boulsworth Hill?

I walked up there with some mates once and was about to check out the view when the local midges found me! They might not be quite as vicious as Highland midges but they were definitely having a good try... I turned and ran off the hill back to the car on Widdop Road.

Biting insects like me. In a group, I always seem to be the person that they target.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I'd question, and have done*, if they were really present at the meeting if they fell asleep whilst there.

*Annoyed hell out of the councillor who had to be woken for the vote.
There was no vote involved it was protest meeting for local residents to air their concerns. They had to be wakened at the end of the meeting as it would be time to leave or be locked in the hall.
Knowing the residents of that village I am surprised they did not tiptoe out and do just that.
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