The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
BBQ grills drying out in the cool breeze ^_^
Nah ..... solar panel sucking up the photons.:biggrin:


Casper WY USA
Finally got some rain and perhaps less smoke and a cooler day to boot. Great day for a ride and no watering of lawn nor garden etc needed.
Classic33, when a baby, maybe 20 inches long, is chucked into a pool, it is all deep.
Apologies to Boldonlad and PaulSB for my progeny confusion.
As far as retiring goes I simply compared my net paycheck, after considering the costs of working with my net annuity with no work and they were the same. My wife's cancer treatment for the last 4 years has definitely limited our retirement plans, but on the other hand I get to spend time with her that would otherwise be spent at work, so retiring was certainly a good thing. I have travelled a lot for work and don't miss that much. Carpe diem.
Be well and safe......I have heard the theory, that due to vaccination refusal in the red states, the collective IQ in these United States will ultimately increase in a Darwinian kind of way.

Deleted member 1258

My spider plant is getting a bit out of hand, I recon a tidy up is called for.



Legendary Member
Mrs P has been proper poorly all day. In bed till 11ish and asleep on the couch most of the afternoon. We should be out to dinner but I've cancelled.

Our American friends are spitting feathers. Monday they take the difficult decision to cancel the September trip. Wednesday the UK announced no quarantine for the fully vaccinated. Though I gather the US authorities advise against travel to the UK.

Think I'll very quietly get a G&T while Mrs P sleeps.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Crikey grandma that is truly above and beyond........👏👏👏

Thank you sir. :laugh:. Gran has always been the taxi as I was one of the few that drive and am available during the day.


pedalling tediously
I am a lazy person by nature so just stopping work was all I wanted. As happy slobbing around doing nothing as I am out walking/jogging/cycling. Housework and other domestic stuff, not so much! :laugh:

I have had a 33 mile bimble this morning. It's a bit overcast but it stayed dry and no wind so quite pleasant.
Pretty impressive bimble for a self confessed lazy person !


Leg End Member
I know I am a soppy git where animals are concerned but I felt sorry for a little herd of cows this morning on my ride. A farmer and his sidekick were trying to herd them towards a trailer. Sidekick seemed to be standing doing nothing near the gate, while irate farmer zoomed around on his quad bike cursing and swearing so loudly I could hear him from a quarter of a mile away and sounded like he was close to giving himself a coronary. All he was doing was stressing the poor animals. If he had got his lazy arse off the quad bike and the pair of them had walked up quietly behind the cattle I'm sure they would have had more success.
You could have offered to "guard the gate" for them.
Last few days have been taken up with moving 2 old shed using wheeled doleys and the building a new metal shed.

New metal seems seems to be made of razor blades - bed sheet is not spotted/streaked with blood

Also - instructions were totally pictures - no words - and very low quality print

hence not always clear exactly what was required - and especially what way round part X was supposed to be
Hence quite a few situation where I had to back up, dismantle several bits, reverse a part and then re-do stuff before proceeding

final annoyance was the sliding door hangers which I were supposed to be slid on at an early stage but the instructions were 'obtuse' and I missed it
resulting in a fully constructed shed thus making the sliders being impossible to get into place
After a night's sleep and some experimentation - and then some brute force as is normal - I sorted it all out

Naturally SWMBO decided that the new shed need to be moved and the old wooden shed need to take up differnet spaces

However the oldest old shed was not at all happy about being moved - it's design concept seems to involve a DECISION and then it being built in situ and left there
This is the 3rd - and not 4th - time is has moved so some parts of it are moaning rather a lot
after some careful wondering and 'a few coats of looking at' I managed to encourage the floor to attach the floor to the rear wall rather more convincingly - it took a car jack, several pieces of old wooden bits, a lot of friction and some careful balancing on my part which using at least 3 hands to control, balance and operate 'stuff'
ANyway - all is not where SWMBO has 'requested'

She is already taking about different possibilities

I think I should mount all 3 sheds on wheels and connect them to a used ebike motor and a remote control system

anyone know the heaviest weight a drone can lift????


Early Retirement Planning
Last few days have been taken up with moving 2 old shed using wheeled doleys and the building a new metal shed.

New metal seems seems to be made of razor blades - bed sheet is not spotted/streaked with blood

Also - instructions were totally pictures - no words - and very low quality print

hence not always clear exactly what was required - and especially what way round part X was supposed to be
Hence quite a few situation where I had to back up, dismantle several bits, reverse a part and then re-do stuff before proceeding

final annoyance was the sliding door hangers which I were supposed to be slid on at an early stage but the instructions were 'obtuse' and I missed it
resulting in a fully constructed shed thus making the sliders being impossible to get into place
After a night's sleep and some experimentation - and then some brute force as is normal - I sorted it all out

Naturally SWMBO decided that the new shed need to be moved and the old wooden shed need to take up differnet spaces

However the oldest old shed was not at all happy about being moved - it's design concept seems to involve a DECISION and then it being built in situ and left there
This is the 3rd - and not 4th - time is has moved so some parts of it are moaning rather a lot
after some careful wondering and 'a few coats of looking at' I managed to encourage the floor to attach the floor to the rear wall rather more convincingly - it took a car jack, several pieces of old wooden bits, a lot of friction and some careful balancing on my part which using at least 3 hands to control, balance and operate 'stuff'
ANyway - all is not where SWMBO has 'requested'

She is already taking about different possibilities

I think I should mount all 3 sheds on wheels and connect them to a used ebike motor and a remote control system

anyone know the heaviest weight a drone can lift????
Think I must have bought the same metal shed. Took 2 of us 2 days to put it up when they said it could be done inside a day! Instruction were that bad, it was we were building mainly by guesswork. It was a hot day last year we did it, laid out the panels on the grass and noticed when we took them up, the metal had heated up and scorched the grass, oops.:whistle:


Leg End Member
Last few days have been taken up with moving 2 old shed using wheeled doleys and the building a new metal shed.

New metal seems seems to be made of razor blades - bed sheet is not spotted/streaked with blood

Also - instructions were totally pictures - no words - and very low quality print

hence not always clear exactly what was required - and especially what way round part X was supposed to be
Hence quite a few situation where I had to back up, dismantle several bits, reverse a part and then re-do stuff before proceeding

final annoyance was the sliding door hangers which I were supposed to be slid on at an early stage but the instructions were 'obtuse' and I missed it
resulting in a fully constructed shed thus making the sliders being impossible to get into place
After a night's sleep and some experimentation - and then some brute force as is normal - I sorted it all out

Naturally SWMBO decided that the new shed need to be moved and the old wooden shed need to take up differnet spaces

However the oldest old shed was not at all happy about being moved - it's design concept seems to involve a DECISION and then it being built in situ and left there
This is the 3rd - and not 4th - time is has moved so some parts of it are moaning rather a lot
after some careful wondering and 'a few coats of looking at' I managed to encourage the floor to attach the floor to the rear wall rather more convincingly - it took a car jack, several pieces of old wooden bits, a lot of friction and some careful balancing on my part which using at least 3 hands to control, balance and operate 'stuff'
ANyway - all is not where SWMBO has 'requested'

She is already taking about different possibilities

I think I should mount all 3 sheds on wheels and connect them to a used ebike motor and a remote control system

anyone know the heaviest weight a drone can lift????
500 lbs


Legendary Member
Good morning. It's rained overnight and still looks grey and damp.

I've washed the kitchen floor............this is entirely the fault of the large pot of yoghurt which leapt out of fridge and made a freedom dash towards the back door. :sad:

Meeting a friend for a ride at 9.00. The main purpose is to have coffee, cake and chat. I'm secretly hoping it rains and we can drive to the cafe. It's too early in the year for being cold and wet on a bike.

Time for a doze. :hello:
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