The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
obviously nobody near me has a woodburner, a tree was cut down 100 feet from my front door, they even cut it into small pieces and left it for anyone to take, I would say there is enough to fill two large builders bags , been there three days untouched

If that hapened here it would be gone in 20 minutes if that.


Legendary Member
Behind bars
Late up again and just back from 40 miles on the bike - mostly on old railway tracks. Really getting into this retirement groove.

Absolutely. The replacement isn't economic except this is a very sound old car and took months to find. No idea what to do!
On my way back I passed the dealers where we offloaded my wife's Fiat Panda for £300. We got rid because we discovered that an engine swap had been done badly before we bought it and we would have to spend a lot of money to put it right with no guarantee that it would ever be right.

Anyroad, they have it up for sale at £1795 :ohmy:


If 6 Was 9

Cheerz me dearz! :cheers:


Legendary Member
Bit frosty this morning, which is quite a rare event here.
Doggie walking in a bit then walking down to the village to do 'Fish Thursday'.
We normally do that on a Friday but we've got to nip down to Perranporth tomorrow to pick up the new caravan.
Early start tomorrow; got to be there at 10am.

Do you want a call when I get up?


If 6 Was 9
About 2/3 of the way though American Sniper. Stopped for a french stick stuffed full of cheese and a bottle of Spitfire.
The ending is a bit sad.
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