The Retirement Thread

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and I haven't seen any ebike riding welsh dragons :bicycle:


Leg End Member
and I haven't seen any ebike riding welsh dragons :bicycle:
She's taken the train
Dragon Train.png
Last night spent in Hendaye, France, wallet took another battering circa 10 euros for a pint and a half. Pulled up tonight halfway down Spain, a nice room for less than 40 euros. After nine hours at the wheel enjoying a nice pint at 2 euros, served in one of the old dimple glasses!!!

Just 400 km tomorrow to our destination in Portugal.


Well-Known Member
Today I have been mostly cooking, just finishing roast lamb for Mrs G's dinner


@PaulSB, would you be bothered if I asked if there was anything that you could do. Local, to me, epilepsy support group will be meeting on Thursday. Can't think of a better place to ask.

The yougov page linked to has a form you can download, fill and return to ask for your liscence back. Shouldn't have to be done, automatic system, but it takes another argument from them.

Apologies to everyone else for this one.

Sorry classic I've been a bit hectic the last 24 hours.

It would be a great help if you could ask around. I think it's probably a general question about what to do when DVLA are being very slow. A bit of background for you

As you know I'm epileptic but I've only fitted four times in 50 years. I'm fortunate I know and control my triggers. I lost my licence in 2011 following a grand mal. Got it back exactly on time. I don't think this relevant to today.

Currently my licence was revoked for six months following the insertion of an extra ventricular drain (EVD) to reduce swelling of the brain. This was removed in early February before I left hospital.

DVLA advised I should apply for my licence in early June. DVLA also requested a GP letter which I sent. It 100% stated me fit to drive.

July 31st I phoned DVLA and was told they had written to my consultant that day - seven weeks after my application. The target for issuing a driving licence is six weeks.

I put in an official complaint detailing the whole saga.

I phoned last week to be told I am now on the "highest priority" list. I couldn't get DVLA to give me a timescale for a reply.

The specific reason stated in a DVLA letter for revoking my licence is the EVD. My view is the licence should now be issued.

Any help you can offer would be very gratefully received as not driving is having a big impact on life.


Leg End Member
Apologies to everyone else for this one.

Sorry classic I've been a bit hectic the last 24 hours.

It would be a great help if you could ask around. I think it's probably a general question about what to do when DVLA are being very slow. A bit of background for you

As you know I'm epileptic but I've only fitted four times in 50 years. I'm fortunate I know and control my triggers. I lost my licence in 2011 following a grand mal. Got it back exactly on time. I don't think this relevant to today.

Currently my licence was revoked for six months following the insertion of an extra ventricular drain (EVD) to reduce swelling of the brain. This was removed in early February before I left hospital.

DVLA advised I should apply for my licence in early June. DVLA also requested a GP letter which I sent. It 100% stated me fit to drive.

July 31st I phoned DVLA and was told they had written to my consultant that day - seven weeks after my application. The target for issuing a driving licence is six weeks.

I put in an official complaint detailing the whole saga.

I phoned last week to be told I am now on the "highest priority" list. I couldn't get DVLA to give me a timescale for a reply.

The specific reason stated in a DVLA letter for revoking my licence is the EVD. My view is the licence should now be issued.

Any help you can offer would be very gratefully received as not driving is having a big impact on life.
Hectic, you said you nearly slept in this morning!

I'll ask on Thursday and let you know what they say.
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