The Sun Newspaper

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
What happened concerning Hillsborough if you don't mind me asking?


Dog on a bike
Ive not seen it.
I would not see it because i would not read the sun.
I would definitely never buy the sun.
Remember Hillsborough.
Never buy the sun !

I think that's the first thing you've written on Cyclechat that I whole-heartedly agree with. Their reporting was unforgivable and an insult to the 96.


A Dizzy M.A.B.I.L
Sorry OFF! It says A driver (ALLEGEDLY) battered a cyclist with a hammer 15 times for pedalling too slowly. The motorist could not pass the rider aged 60,as he wobbled up a hill against a strong wind! Police (ALLEGE) he nudged the cyclist with his vauxhall Nova then took a hammer from the boot to hit him about the head and body. The victim was taken to hospital but was not seriously hurt, was in fine spirits. It was a young lad (20) hence the Nova! Been charged and released on bail.

It happened a few miles from my house.... I don't read the local paper, my frind just told me about it this afternoon... I'll be on the look out for Nova driving chavs..And i don't need no hammer :whistle:

Argus...Local newspaper


Formerly just_fixed
" A cyclist was hit up to 15 times with a hammer in a road rage attack.

Police believe the driver struck because he was irritated the 60-year-old cyclist was taking too long to ride up a hill.

Detective Constable Tony Taylor, said the cyclist, who was not wearing a helmet, was struggling against the wind preventing the driver from passing.

At least four members of the public watched in horror as the cyclist was beaten and hit up to 15 times, in Tennyson Road, Worthing on Wednesday, in what DI Taylor described as a “massive over-reaction”.

For the full story see today's Argus."

wtf has that got to do with it?


wtf has that got to do with it?

If he wasnt wearing a helmet he had no regard for his own safety. If he had no regard for his own safety, no one else should have any regard for his safety. Conseqeuently beating him with a hammer is perfectly acceptable and probably deserved. Simples. :tongue:


Active Member
(i think we know this, nothing against you but feeling and emotions are strong over that paper)

But the thread is about being hit with a hammer for riding too slowly! Not about a newspaper. I havnt been a member long enough to know everyones taste on reading material and i apologise for opening a can of worms! I myself will read whatever is put in front of me whether rightly or wrongly. I dont believe everything that is written but i just wanted to highlight the cowardly attack of an old man by the youth of today. I thought that this forum would have been the perfect place to highlight such an attack especially with it being cycle related. How wrong i was! The majority on here are more bothered about where the info came from rather than the story. Yes it was horrendous what happened Hillsborough, It shouldnt have happened, and if ive opened up some old wounds for some then this was not my intention and i full heartedly apologise again.


New Member

Hope that clarifies your query.

Some parts of society have little regard for people or property, sad but true. Unfortunately it would appear cyclists are fair game on the road. I've twice had passengers lean out of passing vehicles attempting, or so it seemed, to push me from my road bike. On neither occasion was I impeding the traffic. Hopefully the purpetrator will be suitably punished, however it'll probably not be as severe as most would like.

i had a 2ltr coke bottle thrown at me as they passed me on my mountain bike the bottle was full and just missed my head.trouble is you report it and all the police say is was there any witnesses.they was given the reg plate but havent heard nothing since and that was 4 months ago.ive also had cigarretes thats alight flicked at me as these arxxholes go buy,whats up with these people?


Formerly just_fixed
If he wasnt wearing a helmet he had no regard for his own safety. If he had no regard for his own safety, no one else should have any regard for his safety. Conseqeuently beating him with a hammer is perfectly acceptable and probably deserved. Simples. :tongue:

poor taste.

Hip Priest

The Sun does not sell on Merseyside after what they said happened that day , strange enough everywhere else in the country its sold , so make of that what you will.

Naturally, feelings about The Sun's misreporting of Hillsborough are much stronger on Merseyside than elsewhere in Britain. People certainly read it up here in the North East, but I wouldn't buy a copy myself.

david k

North West
(i think we know this, nothing against you but feeling and emotions are strong over that paper)

But the thread is about being hit with a hammer for riding too slowly! Not about a newspaper. I havnt been a member long enough to know everyones taste on reading material and i apologise for opening a can of worms! I myself will read whatever is put in front of me whether rightly or wrongly. I dont believe everything that is written but i just wanted to highlight the cowardly attack of an old man by the youth of today. I thought that this forum would have been the perfect place to highlight such an attack especially with it being cycle related. How wrong i was! The majority on here are more bothered about where the info came from rather than the story. Yes it was horrendous what happened Hillsborough, It shouldnt have happened, and if ive opened up some old wounds for some then this was not my intention and i full heartedly apologise again.

no need to apologise, youve done nothing wrong, im pointing out why people have that view of that paper and hence some of the replies. I and others realise the intention of the post and discussing related issues often happens on threads, doesnt mean the topic is wrong

yes you highlighted the attack and yes it was cowardly
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