Things you'd like to say, but can't

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@152l2 If there are 2 of this person, I fear for humanity. A lot of my posts in this thread are about him, purely so I do not disturb the workplace. All due to change soon though, and future posts will be about a weed smoking idiot that I am getting put with. Yay for me!


North Shields
A selection of recent thoughts:

This is the third time I've explained how to unzip a folder. I'm actually embarrassed for you now.

There is no such thing as 'the fold'. Perhaps you'd like to show me how you fold your iPad?

Sending me a photograph of your plagiarised logo really isn't going to help.

What's the point in hooking your laptop up to a huge monitor if you're just going to squint at the laptop screen?

Nice one on cutting out half the natural light on this side of the office for your 'Igloo'. If I knew who signed off on that I'd flick them in the genitals.

Yeah, I'm good for 5-a-side next week, but can you please, please not ask Dhillon if he fancies a game? I know I'm not the best player in the world, but that lad looks like he's never seen a football, let alone kicked one.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Your brat is a right little mardy ba***rd isn't he.
I saw one last night in our local park. Two parents, two boys. One boy happily walking along, the other freaking out because his parents would not give him something from his mum's bag. He was screaming, kicking at his brother and parents, rolling on the ground etc. He was having a full-blown tantrum and all his parents did was that thing that people with crapping dogs do, when they are not going to pick it up - stare into space and pretend that the offender is nothing to do with them!

I have a feeling that junior is going to end up a nasty piece of work post-puberty if his folks don't soon start setting him some boundaries and sticking to them ...


If you're going to void your bowels of a gas so noxious that if this came from an 'unfriendly' South Asian nation this would have Tony Blair and Dubya immediately hitting the nuclear button, may I suggest that doing this as the sole occupant of a lift on a sweltering hot day, when the next stop is the most populated floor of the building at leaving time, might not be the best idea.

Your attempts at feigning ignorance of this affront to all that is capable of sentient thought are pitiful, and were it not for the fact that your gas has melted my eyeballs, I would pick you up and forceably eject you into the lift shaft


Midlands UK
Says a lot about you that you get your education from watching Emmerdale and Eastenders. Maybe you should try reading a book


At least make some effort to keep your appalling childrens' decibel level down for a while.

There is a JCB in the other neighbour's garden, and your horrible brats are drowning it out. I know which I'd rather listen to.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I saw one last night in our local park. Two parents, two boys. One boy happily walking along, the other freaking out because his parents would not give him something from his mum's bag. He was screaming, kicking at his brother and parents, rolling on the ground etc. He was having a full-blown tantrum and all his parents did was that thing that people with crapping dogs do, when they are not going to pick it up - stare into space and pretend that the offender is nothing to do with them!

I have a feeling that junior is going to end up a nasty piece of work post-puberty if his folks don't soon start setting him some boundaries and sticking to them ...

Best thing to do. Any kind of attention - cajoling, or even anger, just encourages the kid, because they want attention. It's the naughty step principle.

I saw a kid having a tantrum in a bookshop once, he and his dad were in the kid's book section, and Dad said it was time to leave. The kid kicked off, and the Dad simply picked a book off the shelf (I seem to remember it was The Very Hungry Caterpillar) and stood reading it as if it was a novel. After a moment the kid got bored of having a tantrum and being ignored, and gave in meekly.

The problem is that some kids have more persistence than others.


World class procrastinator
I saw one last night in our local park. Two parents, two boys. One boy happily walking along, the other freaking out because his parents would not give him something from his mum's bag. He was screaming, kicking at his brother and parents, rolling on the ground etc. He was having a full-blown tantrum and all his parents did was that thing that people with crapping dogs do, when they are not going to pick it up - stare into space and pretend that the offender is nothing to do with them!

I have a feeling that junior is going to end up a nasty piece of work post-puberty if his folks don't soon start setting him some boundaries and sticking to them ...
There was a lady totally ignoring her brat having a tantrum because Mum wouldn't buy some bubble bath. Parent said best to ignore her and not give the attention that the kid is seeking. If you interrupt said tantrum, you then have to deal with the other half of it a few minutes later. Once kid recognised that Mum was not going to give in to her demands she shut up and was pretty quiet for the rest of the shopping trip. She looked mutinous but was at least quiet.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
England, Northern Ireland and Wales are NOT the 'Home Nations', Scotland is, Scotland is the HOME nation!! :whistle:

Also, why in the name of bu*gery is it that in the big Commonwealth Games shop on George Square, you can buy Scottish items, but they then have a large section devoted entirely to Team England?? (With only a few token items for wales and perhaps N.I.).
Now, a lot visitors are from England, yes, but why have they assigned such a large section of the shop to a non host nation when nobody else gets it too??

Sorry, but that is like the London 2012 Shops having a section for France or Ireland, I mean, why is it even there?? Is England hosting the event? No!!

Roll on Independence!
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Senior Member
People who always have something better or if you get something they need to. Girl in work is the biggest liar out always has to top what you say and pretend she has everything it's infuriating. Sometimes for a laugh I tell her Ive bought something just to snigger at her lie trying to top it. She is the type if u have one she has 2 or her uncle or someone has something better. Sometimes I just want to shout at the top of my voice and tell her she is nothing but a fibbing mooooo . Also people who bring other people down because they aren't happy with their self . Maybe they should get a grip of their own life and flaws before bringing up others
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