Things you'd like to say, but can't

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Rural Kent
So you're the chap who designed the B&Q website? And decided that when I typed in ethernet looking for wall mounted ethernet sockets, what I really wanted was a fire door? Right. Search for one of those gert big SDS masonry drills. And trepan yourself.
That's going to be my new insult. "Go trepan yourself". What style!


Yes you are an existing customer, i have taken this into account with the already generous 25% discount and I have no more room to give you more, fine take your business elsewhere, you would be doing us a favor. I am at the point I don't give a fark about you as a customer anymore because you are nothing but resource hungry, I get less grief from customers spending a 10th of what you do and they get very little in the way of discount and take next to zero in support. Now piss off and stop wasting my time.


In Disguise!
SW Wales
Yes you are an existing customer, i have taken this into account with the already generous 25% discount and I have no more room to give you more, fine take your business elsewhere, you would be doing us a favor. I am at the point I don't give a **** about you as a customer anymore because you are nothing but resource hungry, I get less grief from customers spending a 10th of what you do and they get very little in the way of discount and take next to zero in support. Now **** off and stop wasting my time.
Cool avatar.. I can actually say that I have an evil sense of humour and everytime I see a fish sticker in a car.. I actually say (if my kids are not there)... shall I ram them... My husband knows I would never do it.. I love my car too much.


Legendary Member
Madam, your little boy is fat and he is lazy. He can't ride a bike because he is to damn idle to pedal even when you and that other man are pushing him round the field. Stop indulging him and let him fall. Is it possible, do you think, that your bad hip may have something to do with the fact you are dragging your 18stone fat arse around? Oh yes, that's going to help, take him to the cake stand now and buy cake. Well done.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
It would be a terrible shame if the tyre valve cores of some of those cars worked loose, wouldn't it?:whistle:

We've thought of lots of terrible accidents that might happen. Sadly, we're too nice to resort to damage.

There are a couple of dead branches on one of the trees they park under that we look hopefully at on windy days.

If the fire brigade did need access in an emergency, apparently they would simply ram cars out of the way (and then bill owners for damage to fire engine) but we wouldn't wish a fire on any of our neighbours.

The road is a crescent, so I expect everyone assumes "it's OK, they can go the other way", but once there are cars all round, it's equally difficult both ways, and as it's narrow road with a wall all along the inside of the curve, space is needed to get a long car or car and trailer out.

As it's unadopted, we wonder about just painting our own double yellows...
We've thought of lots of terrible accidents that might happen. Sadly, we're too nice to resort to damage.

There are a couple of dead branches on one of the trees they park under that we look hopefully at on windy days.

If the fire brigade did need access in an emergency, apparently they would simply ram cars out of the way (and then bill owners for damage to fire engine) but we wouldn't wish a fire on any of our neighbours.

The road is a crescent, so I expect everyone assumes "it's OK, they can go the other way", but once there are cars all round, it's equally difficult both ways, and as it's narrow road with a wall all along the inside of the curve, space is needed to get a long car or car and trailer out.

As it's unadopted, we wonder about just painting our own double yellows...
I wondered that too. Could be worth a try - it might put a few people off :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
We've thought of lots of terrible accidents that might happen. Sadly, we're too nice to resort to damage.

There are a couple of dead branches on one of the trees they park under that we look hopefully at on windy days.

If the fire brigade did need access in an emergency, apparently they would simply ram cars out of the way (and then bill owners for damage to fire engine) but we wouldn't wish a fire on any of our neighbours.

The road is a crescent, so I expect everyone assumes "it's OK, they can go the other way", but once there are cars all round, it's equally difficult both ways, and as it's narrow road with a wall all along the inside of the curve, space is needed to get a long car or car and trailer out.

As it's unadopted, we wonder about just painting our own double yellows...

Wouldn't it be terrible if some local scrotes set fire to a pile of rubbish/tyres/pallets necessitating a visit by the fire brigade?:thumbsup:


World class procrastinator
Cool avatar.. I can actually say that I have an evil sense of humour and everytime I see a fish sticker in a car.. I actually say (if my kids are not there)... shall I ram them... My husband knows I would never do it.. I love my car too much.
That's not a very nice thing to say. If you come and ram me I will quite possibly do you a fair bit of damage. I like my car too. In case you haven't noticed this is a free country and if I want to put a fish on my car as I am a Christian, I can. In fact, now I have read your post I might go and put a fish in the corner of my front windscreen too. Give you a bit more to aim at.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Cool avatar.. I can actually say that I have an evil sense of humour and everytime I see a fish sticker in a car.. I actually say (if my kids are not there)... shall I ram them... My husband knows I would never do it.. I love my car too much.

That's not a very nice thing to say. If you come and ram me I will quite possibly do you a fair bit of damage. I like my car too. In case you haven't noticed this is a free country and if I want to put a fish on my car as I am a Christian, I can. In fact, now I have read your post I might go and put a fish in the corner of my front windscreen too. Give you a bit more to aim at.

<THINKS>Fight! fight! fight!</THINKS>

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