Things you'd like to say, but can't

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In Disguise!
SW Wales
That's not a very nice thing to say. If you come and ram me I will quite possibly do you a fair bit of damage. I like my car too. In case you haven't noticed this is a free country and if I want to put a fish on my car as I am a Christian, I can. In fact, now I have read your post I might go and put a fish in the corner of my front windscreen too. Give you a bit more to aim at.

I did explain my sense of humour and the thread is about things you would want to say but can't... I wouldn't actually do it. That is the whole point.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
I can't believe you took all the f*****g credit for all the work i have been doing in the club. you will get your comeuppance because everybody knows you for what you are, if you ever pull a stroke like that again i will come down on you so F*****g hard you would be wishing you were dead, had you had been a bloke you would be laying flat on your back, you are such a f*****g a****e, i can't believe you would even consider doing it after all the help i have given you, well you are going down, you are going to wish you had never met me, R.I.P.

Is your favourite beer bitter?


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Is there any other?


You did ask. :thumbsup:


No I will not allow a bucket of water to be thrown over my head. I do not need Facebook to tell me what charities to donate to. The charities I give to come from personal connection or absolute conviction that help is needed, not through the chance to stick 15 seconds of phone footage of me getting wet on the internet.
What will it be next year? Crack an egg on for forehead for cancer? Shove a tin of beans down your pants for Alzheimers? Doesn't matter really so long as you get your 15 seconds of fame on Facebook.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Wouldn't it be terrible if some local scrotes set fire to a pile of rubbish/tyres/pallets necessitating a visit by the fire brigade?:thumbsup:

One of the houses has a bad record of fires, and is now owned by good friends. I think we'd rather not tempt fate.


Hol den Vorschlaghammer!
Wait till they're all in, then put a gate across, and lock it.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Wait till they're all in, then put a gate across, and lock it.

And charge them to get out... ;-)

Highways have got back to NT and it seems neither the council or the police can do much (and to be fair, they have more important things to do, we appreciate that). But we'd be quite within our rights to put up "No Parking" signs. Of course, we can't do much to enforce them, but it's a start.

Time to get some of those "Polite Notice" notices...
'Prat' isn't the word I'd use (not that prat is a word I use anyway, its too Dell Boyish for me!):giggle:

Railway preservation (and no doubt other things) are full of people like that. The people who think that they and they alone know how to do things and end up ruining it for everyone else.

I know a guy like that and he's quite the most arrogant, narcissistic wee twat I have even had the misfortune to meet, and he seems to have the same effect on everyone else he meets too!

Prat isn't the word I would use now, more likely the word for a loop formed by separating one strand of a rope during splicing, or perhaps the gap between three barrels in a stack.
I went to sort out the injectors on a very nice private Edwardian launch on the Thames a while back, the boiler wasn't filling, so the owner was having to use the hand pump constantly and was considering having a pump on the prop. shaft.
I was at a complete loss as to what was up, had the injectors apart, cleaned them, checked the pipes all OK. Then I filled the boiler and lit up. The pressure built up nicely, too nicely, the gauge soon showed 300 psi and then was against the stop, on a boiler certified for 120, but not a wisp of steam from the safety valves! In effect we were sitting next to a bomb. Fire out just in time and I asked the owner if anyone else had looked at it. It turns out that our "guru" had been to see her about a fortnight previously and suggested that a higher pressure would "squirt" the water into the boiler better so it would be a good idea to screw the safety valves down solid!


World class procrastinator
I did explain my sense of humour and the thread is about things you would want to say but can't... I wouldn't actually do it. That is the whole point.
You said that you wouldn't do it because......
.. I love my car too much.

You must have an evil sense of humour to joke about ramming someone off the road because of a sticker denoting that they are a Christian. When you see the Hindus with their religious items hanging off their rear view mirrors do you feel the same or is it just Christians?


In Disguise!
SW Wales
You said that you wouldn't do it because
I know what I said, and it was a JOKE. I have a clean licence, 10 years no claims bonus and don't suffer from road rage, it is a joke you obviously don't share. Life is like that. This thread was about things you want to say but can't.. nothing more nothing less.

If I caused you offence I apologise for that.

Edited to say - in response to your editing your post about other religions. No I don't. It is about the theory of evolution not a religion. And I respect other peoples religions including Christianity, even though I don't follow them.
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World class procrastinator
I was very polite to a customer today but what I wanted to say is:

You pay me for 30 minutes of dog walking. If you want me to walk your insufferable hound for 60 minutes and not the 'measly 30 minutes' that I usually walk, then pay me for 60 minutes you tight arsed lazy old tart.

I actually said 'you pay me for 30 minutes of walking, if you would like to extend to 60 minutes, that is fine, I can work you out a new price'

I'm moving out of her area soon. Thank God! I'll pass her on to the new dog walker on the block and she can put up with her stinky house and her stinky, narky dog.
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World class procrastinator
I know what I said, and it was a JOKE. I have a clean licence, 10 years no claims bonus and don't suffer from road rage, it is a joke you obviously don't share. Life is like that. This thread was about things you want to say but can't.. nothing more nothing less.

If I caused you offence I apologise for that.
Thank you.
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