This tiny submarine 2.4 miles under the sea, visiting the relics of RMS Titanic. Can it be found and the crew saved before the air runs out?

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Ming the Merciless

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From BBC website

There is "faint" hope that rescuers can attach a line to the missing submarine and haul it back to the surface in a similar fashion to a rescue carried out 50 years ago, an author has said.

Stephen McGinty, author of The Dive: The Untold Story Of The World's Deepest Submarine Rescue, told Sky News there is "no reason" why crews could not use "a similar technology of a remote controlled vehicle" to attach a rescue line to Titan.

Such technology was used for the rescue of Roger Mallinson and Roger Chapman after their submersible "Pisces III" became trapped on the seabed off Cork in 1973, Mr McGinty said.

The Titan vessel is thought to be far below the depth a manned rescue submarine could reach to rescue the passengers.

"However, there is no reason why they can't use a similar technology used back in 1973 of a remote controlled vehicle that would leave the surface and travel down - it would take a long time, hours to get down to the bottom - and then attach, if they find it, a rescue line."

Mr McGinty noted it would hinge on whether the vessel is found in time and a line could be successfully attached at that depth.


Legendary Member
I never got round to doing Scapa Flow but so far as I remember the general rule was look but do not touch and no filching souvenirs.
That latter was very sore point as a wreck we discovered got stripped as soon as some fool let the location out. Boatloads arrived from England with divers who carried so much cutting gear they did not need weight belts. :angry:

Yes, I never dived there because of the travel logistics. A guy I dived with did them and came back with toilet seats etc......they thought it was funny.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Footage has just come in



Yes the irony (if they have died) is most certainly not lost on me!
I guess they will have had the 'Ultimate Titanic Experience' :whistle:

It's as if no other ship in history has ever sunk, isn't it?
Yes it was tragic and the consequences were long and far reaching, but there were other bigger disasters than it.
This is in no way to trivialise what happened on that fateful voyage, but yes, I don't get the fixation either. 🤷
I think its quite clear why the Titanic creates such fascination for some.

She was the largest and most opulent liner of her time, and I'm sure anything I add should be fact checked, but I reckon she was the first with 4 engines, her screws were massive with feats of engineering apparent all over the ship. They were so confident she could never sink, they stripped out most of her life boats to give the first class passengers more deck space, but didn't think the bulkheads should be sealed. I don't think she could have sunk in much deeper water, meaning there was always going to be mystery and eventually mystique around what actually happened. Even today there are questions. Was she really on fire before she even left Southampton? Then you have the class war, I'm richer than you, so deserve live more than you. I find that a fascinating element to the story, not new, but as far as I know, never been laid bare quite so much. Stories of gold and riches aboard her are still discussed today, and who can't picture in the mind that staircase, from the men that built it, to the people that lost their life trying to climb it. Finally, we have an incident that changed maritime law until our next disaster nearly 70 years later, which was the Piper Alpha, which is another story in itself. I feel there's loads more that make the Titanic one of the most fascinating ships ever, I just can't figure out how so many people don't agree with me. :okay:
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