Thursday Night Ride to the Coast April 9th

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Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
I wish you all a fab journey (yes, I know it's not for ten hours or so) to the delights of the town of my childhood and youth. I well remember visiting the Kursaal amusement park, driving my Dad's Sierra Cosworth along the seafront, trudging for miles through the mud to reach a friend's boat, playing on the 1p and 2p machines on the pier (probably £1 machines now) and enjoying the bracing sea air. I'm sure you'll all have a great time!


New Member
Munchies purchased, batteries bought, raceblades refitted........watching the weather now.
Mudgaurds or not.....what do you reckon as its my last chance to go an buy some...have already got new batteries, a banana and a mars bar !


pre-talced and mighty
leave the mudguards behind. They're a constant source of irritation on rides. They cause almost as much delay as punctures.


Chief Kebab Taster
Ive been feeling ill'ish for past few days, sore throat/headachey like rubbish. Am off home shortly for a nice long snooze and should be fine, I hope, for the ride, but will let you know if not. Dont really want to miss out on this! Still, the Chelski glory hunters are make me feel queezy already with their gloating!! lol.

Dan B

Disengaged member
And now I get the bike out I find that the back tyre has mysteriously deflated. Mysterious because it's a brand new tube and I can't find a leak in it anywhere. Gah. Maybe it's just the effect on the bike of three weeks standing idle, maybe I forgot to pump it up in the first place, but how lucky do I feel?
Davywalnuts said:
Ive been feeling ill'ish for past few days, sore throat/headachey like rubbish. Am off home shortly for a nice long snooze and should be fine, I hope, for the ride, but will let you know if not. Dont really want to miss out on this! Still, the Chelski glory hunters are make me feel queezy already with their gloating!! lol.

It's not going to be walnuts whipped before the off is it? ;)
It's only a growth spurt Davy - it'll pass. No collapsing either because you'll get no mouth-to-mouth first aid... a CO2 cylinder fired up your nose but that's about it!:biggrin:

Hope you feel up for it by later.


Chief Kebab Taster
hahaha! Dont! Work colleague has some walnut whips am am not being allowed any! Ba*****d! Ill bring the spare defrib too then as no doubt ild have gone through a dozen C02's by the time we get to east lundin!

Thanks! Cross-fingers too! But am a soldier, and my mileage will be right up with that 3-wheeled wonder-women from Essex on the cyclogs league, that is more than enough encouragement!
I'd like a free-willed wonder woman. (There's one on the back of a tandem tonight apparently...according to dellzeqq)


dellzeqq said:
leave the mudguards behind. They're a constant source of irritation on rides. They cause almost as much delay as punctures.

It's not just me! This has been my experience, but I thought it was just me being grumpy.

(I was just starting to wander if someone was going to whinge at me tonight because I don't have them)


Don't listen to them, mudguards make you got faster... for erm... some clearly evident, and so obvious reason that I don't need to explain it here.

Phew, got out of that one.
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