Today's Yellow Sticker Bargains

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There's no way you'll manage three chocolate oranges - I'll take one off your hands if you could pop it in the post to me...

They were intended as raffle prizes for some upcoming CP fundraisers... :blush:

I'm still working my way through the case of Lindor that I picked up on clearance after last Xmas. :whistle:


Charming but somewhat feckless
I only went in for milk and came out with:
2 x large vegetable samosas at 5p each (were £1)
2 x packs of square steak sausage at 35p each (were £1.75)
Katsu chicken tortilla wrap at 14p (was £2.75)


Good score @glasgowcyclist :thumbsup:

Square sausage is like a fancy-shaped pork burger LOL... On the other hand, they do fit rather neatly into a sandwich. :laugh:

Not much luck on my own foray to the Co-op for milk. Contents of the cabinet was nearly all lettuces, sandwiches and apples. Did turn up a couple of large tubs of double cream @35p each, however and a portuguese custard tart for 17p. That's dessert for tonight and another batch of butter. :biggrin:

Might be worth nipping in tomorrow, as they have a case of jersey milk and a shelf of sausages heading for the YS cabinet. I'll go to Tescos too as I really do need some veg. And fruit that isn't apples or pears.


Co-op was brilliant today, Tesco rather less so. But the fridge is now reasonably well stocked, which is a good thing as I hadn't done a proper grocery shop for over a fortnight.

The sausages in the Co-op were all gone (luck of the draw), but I did manage to get two litres of the Jersey milk, a large Dickinsons & Morris pork pie, king prawns, smoked salmon, yoghurt, duck legs, a tub of prawn cocktail, a stuffed crust bbq chicken pizza, mangoes, a tub of fresh custard, a new york cheesecake and several boxes of Felix AGAIL cat food marked down to £1.88 because the boxes were dented.

Tesco yielded a pineapple, half a dozen avocadoes, a sweetheart cabbage, beetroot, carrots, mushrooms, baking potatoes, a rye bread, four pastries from the bakery and some pork trimmings off the meat counter for the girls.

I would've had a nice bunch of flowers in Tesco as well, but they got yanked out of my hands. Alas, the yank-ee is a good foot taller than me and nearly twice my weight... :surrender: Kinda miffed, as it was the only cat safe bunch - all the others had lillies in them.


Today's score - around two stones of freshly dug Maris Piper potatoes. :hungry:

Not on YS, but totally free. :dance: Noticed on my bike ride this afternoon that a trailer had tipped a bunch of tatties into the verge after hitting a dip in the road half a mile-ish from home, so went back out to pick them up after finishing my ride. Otherwise the traffic leaving the horse trials would have squashed them to oblivion.


Legendary Member
For some reason Asda now have red stickers....
A load of ready meal chicken tikka masala on the shelf tonight so I took two, one for tonight's tea one for the freezer...£1.22 each.

Cook some rice for next to nothing...cheaper than fish n chips I would have had at £5.80.


Neat :thumbsup:

I popped into the Co-op while out on my ride this afternoon and came back with a dozen cumberland sausages for £1.50, a serves four chocolate profiterole dessert for 96p and two large bars of dark (56% cocoa) peruvian chocolate with orange at 80p each.

The tatties I picked up the other day are really nice, so well chuffed. :biggrin:


Norven Mankey
The local Aldi massively overstocked on magnums of Prosecco last Xmas and were left with at least a couple of dozen come January

I've instructed Mrs N to keep an eye on them as they were sure to discount them as they would never flog them until the next Xmas and they were taking up loads of shelf space. But did they? Did they heck. All two dozen sat on the shelf, gathering dust all year

2 months to Xmas so no chance they'll discount. My plan, foiled


The local Aldi massively overstocked on magnums of Prosecco last Xmas and were left with at least a couple of dozen come January

I've instructed Mrs N to keep an eye on them as they were sure to discount them as they would never flog them until the next Xmas and they were taking up loads of shelf space. But did they? Did they heck. All two dozen sat on the shelf, gathering dust all year

2 months to Xmas so no chance they'll discount. My plan, foiled

Drat... :angry: I feel your pain. :hugs:

I blanked in the Co-op today. The cheeses I'd made a note of yesterday were all goooone. They must've marked them right down early doors. :cry: On the other hand, I picked up an appenzeller cheese and a french soft blue cheese in Lidl on YS. OK, they only knock 30% off, but seeings I can't get them anywhere else, I don't mind too much.

We eat a lot of cheese chez Casa Reynard. :hungry:


Good hunting in both the Co-op and Tesco today.

In the Co-op I picked up a pack of beef shin, some very posh smoked salmon, a savoy cabbage, a cauliflower, tomatoes, sweet peppers and two four packs of liberte yoghurt.

Tesco, despite it being a total bun fight (other than Mr & Mrs Bowls Club, everyone who could be there was there) turned up a decent chunk of vintage cheddar off the counter, raspberries, blueberries, mangoes, plums, broccoli, asparagus, green beans, spinach, a dozen croissants from the bakery, bagels, wholemeal bread and some Gourmet cat food.

And the petrol station yielded a very nice bouquet of flowers for 50p.

I will be making some blueberry jam, and I see the makings of a nice veggie curry as well... :hungry: My fridge is now officially full, so I will not be going back until it is more or less empty.


Legendary Member
Of course buying yellow sticker bargains doesn't always work for you.
Eating last week's tikka masala I got for £1.20 odd ( I froze it) , I saw some plain naan breads tonight, reduced. I'll give them a go with my masala :okay:

Jeez..:sad: dry, plain, and a half of the pack of two went straight in the bin :laugh:


Never used Über Member
In the Co-op I picked up a pack of beef shin, some very posh smoked salmon, a savoy cabbage, a cauliflower, tomatoes, sweet peppers and two four packs of liberte yoghurt.

You seem to do well in your local Co-op - ours is terrible for YS stuff, there is usually enough of it but the mark downs are often tiny. They had quite a few blcoks of cheese last weekend, was £2.75, reduced to....£2.69! I didn't bother :laugh:


Of course buying yellow sticker bargains doesn't always work for you.
Eating last week's tikka masala I got for £1.20 odd ( I froze it) , I saw some plain naan breads tonight, reduced. I'll give them a go with my masala :okay:

Jeez..:sad: dry, plain, and a half of the pack of two went straight in the bin :laugh:

Yep, been there, done that... :laugh: Goes with the territory really. Have had my share of clunkers.
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You seem to do well in your local Co-op - ours is terrible for YS stuff, there is usually enough of it but the mark downs are often tiny. They had quite a few blcoks of cheese last weekend, was £2.75, reduced to....£2.69! I didn't bother :laugh:

I never did particularly well in mine until I figured out when they did their main markdowns. First markdowns are pretty well much like what you say, not worth taking, unless they have something that wants shifting quickly and then it goes straight in at 50% off.

Sometimes I've been lucky later in the evening in there, when, if there's something left, then it goes for virtually nothing.
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