'Totally Wyred' - a flattish imperial century from Whalley on Sunday 1st April.

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My Armchair
We will actually hit the 100 mile point just before that hill, if my mapping software is accurate, which it is! :thumbsup: The route is about 100.5 miles in length.
With me as 3rd navigator we could hit 110 by the time we get there :laugh:

Getting my excuses in early, I have a slightly dodgy knee and am on night shift which means I will be riding home in the early hours of Saturday morning (avoiding the drunks) which means my sleep pattern will be way off for an early start Sunday :tired:

Also it is nearly Easter and I have eaten 1 too many creme eggs :mrpig:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Also it is nearly Easter and I have eaten 1 too many creme eggs :mrpig:
That would be 41, rather than the customary 40? :whistle:
Went past our local garage tonight and there was an enormous queue, I seriously felt like rapping on their windows and asking why? I'm so angry I could chew a brick, if a bloody Conservative MP comes near me I will need restraining. If I can't fill the car up on Saturday the games up, did I mention how angry I was?
Edge, much as I like Colin I'm not doing a 320 mile round trip to get wet and cold, Thornton, I wish!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Went past our local garage tonight and there was an enormous queue, I seriously felt like rapping on their windows and asking why? I'm so angry I could chew a brick, if a bloody Conservative MP comes near me I will need restraining. If I can't fill the car up on Saturday the games up, did I mention how angry I was?
Pathetic isn't it, and I'm blaming the government more than the drivers! Where is the sense in trying to avoid queues and shortages in a couple of weeks time if industrial action were to go ahead, by causing chaos now instead! Especially because those drivers who are panic-buying now will have probably run out by the time any strike actually takes place, so they will end up doing this all over again in a couple of weeks time!
Edge, much as I like Colin I'm not doing a 320 mile round trip to get wet and cold, Thornton, I wish!
Understandable - I remember very well how much more I felt the cold when I was fit and didn't have a built-in 'heavy jacket' (© 2012, bromptonfb) to keep me warm! I have the opposite problem now - I fry in hot weather and need to drink double what I used to in order to stay hydrated.


My Armchair
Heavy jacket :giggle:

I should be ok for diesel for Sundays ride but won't have much left after that, no way am I queuing(sp) up for It though, hopefully it'll be quiet on Sunday morning so I can get a tenners worth.


After a bit of assistance please. I tried to download the routes onto my Garmin 800 last night without any joy. Not used Bikely before. What's the best way to do this? Cheers


After a bit of assistance please. I tried to download the routes onto my Garmin 800 last night without any joy. Not used Bikely before. What's the best way to do this? Cheers

I've found Bikely less useable since it's sofware update, when I download .gpx files they come with waypoints with nonsense names, which clog up the GPS memory and the map screen. I just want the track like it used to give you. I've been working round it by uploading the file to RidewithGPS and then downloading and overwriting the bikely version with a GPS track from there.

I'd wanted to join you all for this ride, but I've got the teenager to look after and not got the car as the SWMBO is at work, so can't make it. I'm going to have a go at the Ronde van Oost Lancashire tomorrow as I can have the car. It includes an option to try The Buttress in Hebden Bridge, so it'll be interesting to see how far I can get this time! I suspect I might still be over geared...
Still they come.....no not a line from War of the Worlds a line of f***wits still queueing for fuel at our local Co-op garage in spite of todays news there will be no strike before Easter. I cycled past them all slowly and most had their engines running whilst they were waiting, the world is increasingly sinking into madness. After saying all that, so long as common sense eventually prevails [did I just say that?] and I can pick up my bottom bracket the chances of getting north are improving.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
After a bit of assistance please. I tried to download the routes onto my Garmin 800 last night without any joy. Not used Bikely before. What's the best way to do this? Cheers
You are not the first person to complain about downloading from Bikely. I'll contact their tech guys and let them know about the problem but I'll start hosting my own copies of the GPX files for backup from now on.

Here you go: the century route and the bailout (foul weather) route. Let me know how you get on with those.
I'm going to have a go at the Ronde van Oost Lancashire tomorrow as I can have the car. It includes an option to try The Buttress in Hebden Bridge, so it'll be interesting to see how far I can get this time! I suspect I might still be over geared...
I quite often walk up to Heptonstall on Saturday afternoons (a friend works up there) so I'll suggest we go up via the Buttress and see if any of you guys are riding it at the time! It might be too late though - about 14:30?
Still they come.....no not a line from War of the Worlds a line of f***wits still queueing for fuel at our local Co-op garage in spite of todays news there will be no strike before Easter. I cycled past them all slowly and most had their engines running whilst they were waiting, the world is increasingly sinking into madness. After saying all that, so long as common sense eventually prevails [did I just say that?] and I can pick up my bottom bracket the chances of getting north are improving.
Fingers crossed! The forecast for Sunday is still 10-11 °C and dry.

I looked ahead to next week - possible wintry showers over the Pennines - flipping heck, I'd hoped that we'd seen the last of the cold stuff until November or December!
Sorry doubt I will make this now, no petrol and Tesco had sold out, 135 p/l , They have had a delivery and put the price up to 138 p/l since this morning, profiteering bastards.
Colin, thank-you for your kind invitation (in the Cheshire Cat thread) and Steve, thank-you for your kind words too. I have been dithering for ages over whether or not to join you because I really feel my legs are short of miles. :sad:

However, I think I've worked out how I can definitely get round AND keep the peloton together. A friend in Alaska has lent me a harness that he uses with his dog-sled team so, if the 'fit riders' are willing... :whistle:

I shall see you all on Sunday at Spring Wood :thumbsup:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Sorry doubt I will make this now, no petrol and Tesco had sold out, 135 p/l , They have had a delivery and put the price up to 138 p/l since this morning, profiteering bastards.
I hope you can get enough fuel from somewhere because this should be a good ride!

Hopefully, chauffeur-du-jour Steve H has managed to top up because I'm not fit enough to ride to Whalley and back as well like tubbyclist - nearly 145 miles in total!
Colin, thank-you for your kind invitation (in the Cheshire Cat thread) and Steve, thank-you for your kind words too. I have been dithering for ages over whether or not to join you because I really feel my legs are short of miles. :sad:

However, I think I've worked out how I can definitely get round AND keep the peloton together. A friend in Alaska has lent me a harness that he uses with his dog-sled team so, if the 'fit riders' are willing... :whistle:

I shall see you all on Sunday at Spring Wood :thumbsup:
That's great STASS! The route is a little bit lumpy at the start and finish but there is a really easy 100 kms long downhill/flat section in the middle of it.

I'm not fit, but I'll get round somehow and I'm sure that you will still be fitter than me!
Right, got fuel and now at DefCon 1 which makes us certainties unless anything completely unforseen occurs. As there doesn't seem to be a proliferation of ladies, her indoors has a question, are there any toilets at Spring Wood and from me do you pay to park and is it reasonably safe to leave your car there? We will be leaving Holmes Chapel about 7.30 Sunday having driven up there Saturday afternoon. It's 60 miles so we should be ok, look forward to seeing everyone. I have your mobile number Colin just in case.
Looking forward to riding up Whalley Nab, well that's what I knew it as when I lived there but only ever went up it in a car so very vague memory.

Steve H

Large Member
Right, got fuel and now at DefCon 1 which makes us certainties unless anything completely unforseen occurs. As there doesn't seem to be a proliferation of ladies, her indoors has a question, are there any toilets at Spring Wood and from me do you pay to park and is it reasonably safe to leave your car there? We will be leaving Holmes Chapel about 7.30 Sunday having driven up there Saturday afternoon. It's 60 miles so we should be ok, look forward to seeing everyone. I have your mobile number Colin just in case.
Looking forward to riding up Whalley Nab, well that's what I knew it as when I lived there but only ever went up it in a car so very vague memory.

Yes there are toilets at Spring Wood. I don't think there is a charge for parking. I don't remember paying last time we were there. It does feel pretty safe there to leave the car (touches wood!!)
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