Tour de France 2015 - may contain nuts and SPOILERS

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rich p

rich p

ridiculous old lush
That might be just a little too obvious even for Prudhomme.
Call me a cynical conspiricy theorist if you like. Remember the two riders who stopped and let cummings through were French and I reckon it is entirely possible Christian had a quiet word to let the rider from the African team win on mandella day when just coincidentally the GC teams couldn't be arsed to chase down the breakaway and the finish was planned to be too steep for the sprinters.

Everyone loves a fairytale win don't they?

I thought you were having a larf!
You seriously believe that drivel up there?^^^^ :okay:


Kilometre nibbler
It constantly amazes me how many conspiracists there are keeping secrets the world over.
That's what they want you to think.


105% knowledge on 105
True believers all of you

Baa baa !
Ok then, explain why Dave brailsford would hypritically have a doper in his team if there is the chance his legacy in British cycling and now sky would be tarnished by this ever coming out? As well as losing his job, and murdoch closing the team his company own and withdrawing funding from all cycling related activities

Bahhhh bahhhh!


West Somerset
Quarter of an hour until the live footage starts on ITV4. But they're showing the highlights and Cummings just blasted past Bardet and Pinot again. (Or not, depending on how thick your tin foil hat is.)


Failed Tech Bro
Ross Tucker's latest
I think he's being a bit tough on Neanderthals, especially as they are extinct and can't answer back.
I *think* there's a reasonable and rational argument in there trying to get out, but his writing style is so terrible that he'd make boiling a kettle sound like a recipe for yellow cake uranium.

I'll attempt a translation.....

Using current performance-based metrics, Froome and Quintana are riding at least as fast as riders who were known to have doped. Improvements in training methods and equipment are unlikely to account for this improvement. Elite riders are physiologically exceptional, but there are limits to what can be achieved without doping. In the past, a rider or team that has dominated a TdF so emphatically has usually found to have used PEDs. None of this proves Froome is dirty, but there is strong circumstantial evidence for doubt.

No need for aliens.
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