Tour Down Under (SPOILERS)

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Steve H

Large Member
Just watched the warm up event 'People's Choice', the 51km circuit race in Adelaide. Nice exciting race. Jens Voigt continues to be a hero, creating a two man breakaway straight from the off and keeping going for 20 of the 30 laps.

Lotto looked pretty strong all the way through. They did a lot of work to pull back the breakaway and then formed a powerful lead out train for Andre Greipel with about two laps to go. Matt Goss was the only other contender who managed to get on Greipel's wheel, but none of the other trains (inc Sky) could get a look in, despite some very hard efforts in the final lap.

Lotto and Greipel are looking strong - may have to change my Fantasy Cycling Team before the main event starts on Tuesday!


Active Member
Lotto and Greipel looked like they meant business didn't they. The new helmets also gave them a harsh and focused look.
Steve H

Steve H

Large Member
Yes, Lotto's train was definitely in the best shape today. I think Sky and Green Edge would have been up for the fight, but they couldn't get a look in on this circuit. Wonder whether this form will translate to the longer stages that start on Tuesday? Not really been a fan of Greipel, but I wouldn't bet against him this week after what him and his team showed today.

Still wanting to see Renshaw show something. He's been tweeting saying his power readings are higher than ever before, but didn't see him or his team at all today.


Active Member
I couldn't believe how tight the width of the road was. Do you think it was smaller than in Europe - it looked like it to me. That last corner could have been the sight of some nasty accidents if someone had gone off line.

I reckon some of the bigger teams were using the race to get some racing miles under their belt - Boassan Hagen came 5th so if he can do that without having a controlled Sky train type lead out it can only bode well for the future.

Also one of my other fantasy team riders came in the top ten - the wonderfully named Boy van Poppel.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I don't have Sky so I've only seen the finish on It's that time in the season when I remember why it would have been a good idea to look at the new season's kit before the race! Those Lotto helmets, though!


I assume we'll get this live early in the morning in Europe?
I can't find any live links - if anyone has one can you post it here?
cheers :thumbsup:


Internet Marketing bod
Anyone know I this is on any of the Virginmedia channels? I'm on the cheapskate sacky package :smile:


nr cambridge
i'm going with thomas de gendt for the GC - why? because Vacansoleil have one of the coolest kits. this fact has been scientifically proven to make the difference. yes, it has :smile:
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