Traffic Lights That Do Not Work !

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Nothing new about these. There was a set at a bug crossroads 30 odd years ago that wouldn't recognize bikes. And on an early Sunday ride you couldn't rely on cars arriving to trigger it.
Probably not an issue now with extra traffic.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
Oh! We have one set of lights which were imposed on our town which must be giving Trowbridge a right headache! Even the town's MP has complained. Her office is right next to one set of lights so the exhaust fumes should be a constant reminder . I don't think the local authority are listening !

There's a difference between traffic lights that cause chaos because the planners have c*cked up - you'll never get a local authority to concede that - and a set that don't work as they're supposed to, where they can point to it being somebody else's fault.


Legendary Member
Traffic lights that can't detect cyclists are quite common and normally just need their sensitivity adjusted. You can go through them (as long as it's safe) in these circumstances, since they are defective, or wait for a car to trip them. You may need to move ahead of the stop line so the car can park over the detection loop in the road.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
The lights which do frustrate me those on long roadwork sections which don't have a long enough lapse to let a cyclist through.

It's not the lights you should be complaining about, it's the idiot drivers.

Most roadworks traffic lights have an all-red time based on speeds that are faster than the average cyclist. Implicit in that decision is the assumption that drivers will be aware (as the Highway Code specifies) that a green doesn't mean go - it means go, but only if the way is clear.


Got a junction near me where the induction sensors (or at least that's what I guess they are - the ones where it looks like a small square of tarmac has been dug up in the middle of the lane and immediately re-laid?) don't recognise bikes in the turning left lane, but do in the straight on/turning right lane. In the past when I've needed to turn left and traffic has been quiet so I can't rely on a car triggering the sensors, I have chosen to approach the junction in the wrong lane, cycle over the right hand sensor, then shuffle my bike over to the left when I reach the ASL box, otherwise I'd be there all day.


Kilometre nibbler
Has anyone else encountered these new traffic lights which seem to be unable to detect a cyclist or motorcyclist waiting at them?
Yes I've encountered them, but I've not noticed that they are new.

I've never ridden a motorcycle, but ones that don't notice bikes certainly exist. After figuring out what's happening, I either ride through against the light if safe, or if it's not safe to do that maybe get off and walk.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Has anyone else encountered these new traffic lights which seem to be unable to detect a cyclist or motorcyclist waiting at them?
I only noticed this at a narrow tunnel on one of my routes. I cycled up to the lights and was waiting there for ages until a car driver came along . The lights only allow vehicles to drive through the tunnel from one direction so traffic from the opposite direction are unaffected.
The only way to get the lights to change is to pull over to one side and encourage the vehicle to move forward so that the vehicle is detected . This same thing happened to motorcyclist at another set of lights . The motorcyclist beckoned the driver to come closer but the message didn't get through . In the end through frustration the motorcyclist went through the red lights !
It would seem that the DoT are buying new lights from a joke shop !

That is perfectly reasonable for them to do so if the traffic lights are faulty. Which they obviously were.


Our new lights are great. They even put in a long stand with an arm rest and a lower sloping plate where you can rest your foot while waiting for the lights to change. There’s an IR sensor that picks up pedestrians too.


Our new lights are great. They even put in a long stand with an arm rest and a lower sloping plate where you can rest your foot while waiting for the lights to change. There’s an IR sensor that picks up pedestrians too.
There’s a “ gotcha “ at the new lights if you’re a pedestrian, the IR sensor picks you up as you approach and the button surround led’s turn red. If you subsequently move out of the range of the IR sensor then it cancels the button press.


There’s a “ gotcha “ at the new lights if you’re a pedestrian, the IR sensor picks you up as you approach and the button surround led’s turn red. If you subsequently move out of the range of the IR sensor then it cancels the button press.
There's a crossing like that on my daily walk to the station, although it doesn't automatically trigger, you still have to press the button, but it will then go out if it thinks there's no-one there. The trouble is it is way too sensitive; I've seen it go out even though there were four or five people waiting on both sides of the road and if none of them notice, they'll be stood there forever waiting for the traffic to stop.

Heck, on one occasion I've been stood by the button itself and seen it go out, pressed it again, 5 seconds later it goes out again, and repeat... eventually after about the fourth press it finally stayed on for long enough to trigger the red light for traffic. I do wonder how much extra the local council had to pay for "smart" lights over the bog-standard ones that used to be at that crossing, because they're certainly not worth it!


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Yes. There is (was) a set near us. They worked fine if I was in car, or, riding motorcycle, but, not when on bicycle. I reported it to Council, I assume they must have adjusted/fixed them, because they work fine now.
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