Trick or treat?

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Tin Pot

[QUOTE 3981935, member: 45"]An elderly neighbour of hours spent each evening of Halloween sitting in the dark terrified of what the kids at the door might put her trough.[/QUOTE]

Maybe she should try eating off plates?

Falco Frank

Oup Norf'
Not quite the same atmosphere when no-one calls but I'm pretty pleased with my carving effort this year:



I've been playing along, when they knock I bang on the door, rattle it while I open it a little, then in my deepest voice ask whos at me door, then my teenage daughter appears and gives them sweet, while I hide behind the door giggling away,a couple of small kids ran away....
one lad around 10-11 I could hear him mocking my scary voice, so just before the door opened fully and my daughter appeared I let out on almighty scream, he jumped, how I laughed......:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
the scream is now part of every knock, even the parents are jumping, I'm not sure I can keep laughing this much.....
I wore a witches mask to open the door one year. Some of the children were a bit unsure whether to even speak to me!


This has been our fifth year doing No Trick our Treat.It is great fun.The wife and me set up a wallpapering table on the drive.Hot drinks,cold drinks,hot dogs,15 this year.Pumpkin.Lanterns and a Trick Or Treat sign.Bags and bags of sweets,mini chocolate bars,this year has been the best ever,had to go to the local offy and buy three more fun sized bags.Great fun for a few quid.We forgot to get the glowing sticks this year.Must do better next year.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
We don't have any kids around here, and the houses wre so spread out anyway, no one would find their way round. I used to love halloween as a kid though.
I remember making lanterns with my mother from jam jars. We'd cut out a scary pumkin face from a sheet of paper, selotape it around the jam jar, then Mum would make a string handle and put a candle inside, and send us off looking for ghosts, ghouls and witches (no trick or treat then). H&S would have gone bananas as the candles would always cause the jam jars to shatter sooner or later. Happy times.


Legendary Member
This has been our fifth year doing No Trick our Treat.It is great fun.The wife and me set up a wallpapering table on the drive.Hot drinks,cold drinks,hot dogs,15 this year.Pumpkin.Lanterns and a Trick Or Treat sign.Bags and bags of sweets,mini chocolate bars,this year has been the best ever,had to go to the local offy and buy three more fun sized bags.Great fun for a few quid.We forgot to get the glowing sticks this year.Must do better next year.

I flipping hate hallowe'en, but fair play to you posty, I like your style.


Legendary Member
Neither we are locking the door and turning out the lights. Bah humbug
Me to. American rubbish!


Legendary Member
Have you ever tried getting egg off your car? Still I guess a burnt car would be worse. Except I could claim that on insurance perhaps...

a mate, purely in the interests of science mind, tried frying an egg on the bonnet of his (hire) car in Australia on a particularly hot day to see if the myth was true. It didn't work and the egg slid down on the floor as raw as it started. Thing is, it left a big stain which wouldn't clean off so they had to buy some t-cut and put in quite a lot of elbow grease, not to say panic, before handing their car back.
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