Trick or treat?

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[QUOTE="Profpointy, post: 3982278, member: 20456". Thing is, it left a big stain which wouldn't clean off so they had to buy some t-cut and put in quite a lot of elbow grease, not to say panic, before handing their car back.[/QUOTE]

Yup! That's exactly what I had to do in the end. And then there were the bedroom windows! My window cleaner was not pleased. Anyway, no trick or treaters tonight. Just a thick fog... very spooky here in Maidstone.


Quite dreadful
a mate, purely in the interests of science mind, tried frying an egg on the bonnet of his (hire) car in Australia on a particularly hot day to see if the myth was true. It didn't work and the egg slid down on the floor as raw as it started. Thing is, it left a big stain which wouldn't clean off so they had to buy some t-cut and put in quite a lot of elbow grease, not to say panic, before handing their car back.
It's best to lift the bonnet before you start cooking.....

In the US, there is quite a cult of this strange cuisine. For added "highway credibility" you must use roadkill as the raw ingredients, I'm told.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I don't blame the children or even the younger parents as they've been brought up on this American trick or treat stuff, but to us older grumpy ones it's a bit intimidating. :thumbsdown:
I didn't really put a feck off sign on the door :rolleyes:, but i did fasten my bike chain/lock around the gatepost and gate to keep out the annoying gits!:evil:
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Disenchanted Member
i was in the process of feeding my two dogs when the kids started trick or treating, my dogs get fed a raw diet and get fed outside, they do not like anyone coming anywhere near the garden gate when they are eating. a lot of kids (with their parents) gave us a miss when the dogs kicked off but some braver kids ventured as far as the first garden gate and were rewarded for their bravery with haribo. My dogs by the way are safely behind two gates and fences so no danger to anyone.


Never mind the kids dressing up, I scare the crap out of them every year...
Photo on 2015-10-31 at 7.56 PM.jpg

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
I've quit with the trick-or -treating, as bulk candy has gone up quite a bit, and I always like to be generous with this sort of thing.
Our church has bonfire night, but it's just for the kids in the parish, and their friends, and maybe the scout troop.


Legendary Member
I forgot yesterday was 'the' day and no one has ever come to the door before. I was cooking toad in the hole and when the knock at the door came I thought it was the window cleaner wanting to be paid. I had nothing child-friendly to hand (they certainly weren't getting the window cleaner's money or a side order of raw sausage!) so I said 'No thank you' and felt mean for the reason of the evening.:sad:


I don't have a problem with kids dressing up for an event but I do think having a party is better. Trouble is there is a lot of pressure on parents to really go for it but outfits are expensive and it is only for a few hours, kids have usually grown out of the outfit by the next year.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I forgot yesterday was 'the' day and no one has ever come to the door before. I was cooking toad in the hole and when the knock at the door came I thought it was the window cleaner wanting to be paid. I had nothing child-friendly to hand (they certainly weren't getting the window cleaner's money or a side order of raw sausage!) so I said 'No thank you' and felt mean for the reason of the evening.:sad:

You have nothing to feel bad about, You did the right thing in paying your hard working window cleaner instead of giving it to some brats!:thumbsup: I once knocked on a customers door asking for my money, she told me she'd given it to her daughter to buy some cigarettes.and i'd have to come back next month for my money. Feckin cheek!:ninja:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I was chatting to a friend earlier today. He said that he was plagued by various local urchins last night. One incident really stuck in his mind though ...

There was yet another bout of banging on his door and when he opened it there was a man standing holding a tiny toddler who clearly did not have a clue what was going on. :wacko:

Daddy kept repeating "Go on - say 'Trick' ..." over and over, to no avail.

My grumpy pal's reaction was basically "WTF are you doing, mate!" :thumbsdown:

Miserable old git... Yes

Reasonable .... Yes

Having words with the three yobs who put amixture of eggs, and flour through the letterbox of a 90 year old lady with impaired vision and hearing issues and making them clear up their mess .... Absolutely

.... And as for the other group who were offered sweets and asked for money instead

This is becoming little more than extortion with menaces
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