Troll Alert!

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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
No - it's like saying a few people who watch Clarkson et al might be influenced in their behaviour.

And if you think there is no-one who wants to do some of the things the Third Reich did, you must not be on the same planet as the rest of us.

So do we censor everything in the media on the off chance that it might adversely influence someone, somewhere?
There is a nation on the planet who follow this policy. The leaders also feed their relatives to dogs if you dare to disagree with them, allegedly.


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
So do we censor everything in the media on the off chance that it might adversely influence someone, somewhere?
There is a nation on the planet who follow this policy. The leaders also feed their relatives to dogs if you dare to disagree with them, allegedly.
No - I never suggested censoring. This part of the thread arose because Linford denied that things Clarkson says would have any effect on anyone (wrt road safety).


2912597 said:
We could reasonably put some restriction on jokes, perhaps just confine them to things that are funny?

And who should make the decision on what is funny and what isn't? Being that humour is subjective and all... It's pretty simple, if you find something offensive, or unfunny, or unlikeable, then don't watch it. Better still - ignore tv, radio and newpapers and go out and get a life! I barely watch tv and haven't bought a newspaper in about a decade, why would I care what other people think or what they're doing? You can spend a lifetime getting annoyed at people's opinions, people who have absolutely nothing to do with your life at all, or you can concentrate on yourself and your own life instead. I find the latter works quite well.


Cracking a solo.
And who should make the decision on what is funny and what isn't? Being that humour is subjective and all... It's pretty simple, if you find something offensive, or unfunny, or unlikeable, then don't watch it. Better still - ignore tv, radio and newpapers and go out and get a life! I barely watch tv and haven't bought a newspaper in about a decade, why would I care what other people think or what they're doing? You can spend a lifetime getting annoyed at people's opinions, people who have absolutely nothing to do with your life at all, or you can concentrate on yourself and your own life instead. I find the latter works quite well.
Considering how often you feel the need to tell people to lighten up, get a grip, get a life etc etc it's rather surprising to hear that other peoples opinions don't matter to you and you just let them pass you by with out a second glance.


Considering how often you feel the need to tell people to lighten up, get a grip, get a life etc etc it's rather surprising to hear that other peoples opinions don't matter to you and you just let them pass you by with out a second glance.

Yeah I was waiting for that. I do sound like I get bothered behind a keyboard, but in reality I'm just bored at work or procrastinating. I type this shoot without giving much of it a second thought to be honest. I enjoy forums, I like the interaction and it gives me something to read which is at least by people I have something in common with instead of the media nonsense. It doesn't mean I'm actually that concerned about what anyone thinks though. I enjoy my real life nowadays, but I'll admit there was a time when every little thing used to wind me up. It's simply not worth it.


2912641 said:
You remember how comedians used to appear on your telly on a Saturday evening and tell jokes about pakis? Think about It in those terms.

I've said this before, I'm not offended by name calling. Paki means fark all to me.


Cracking a solo.
Could I just remind you of the thread a little while ago by User1314 about some of the language used on here.



It's not anyone's job to be offended on other people's behalf. It makes no sense for me to be offended by something with I bear absolutely no relation to and have no experience of. People nowadays fall over themselves to be offended about things when it's got nothing to do with them, and when you ask the folk who have a right to be offended they're usually not overly bothered... It's all a bit pathetic if you ask me. If it affects you then fine, be as offended as you like and take a stance... Otherwise? It's irrelevant to you so your opinion is void anyway.


2912688 said:
Have you ever taken a Voight-Kampff test?

Is that an empathy test? I've taken a sociopath type test once and got normal scores. The fact I like the people around me seems to skew things a bit.
I've said this before, I'm not offended by name calling. Paki means f*** all to me.

Suppose you were from Pakistan. Suppose in this country Pakistanis were portrayed as vermin in the press, writers get paid to say how much they would like to punch Pakistanis, strangle them with wire, run them down "for fun" with a motor car, lots of people in the UK hold similar views, Pakistanis are described as "free-loaders" who don't pay tax.

Would you really claim that the person best-known for uttering these views had nothing to do with you?


lots of people in the UK hold similar views

Not in my experience. There were 2 black kids in my school and one mixed race, out of 1,500 pupils. They didn't get much more stick than anyone else. For being a really backward city, Aberdeen seems to do really well with foreigners coming in. And we have flippin loads now!
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