UCI and Paul Kimmage

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
Commendable loyalty to the bloke who got her a job her brother but not very convincing! Kimmage has a vendetta - that word again that Armstrong uses every time someone points out that he. like Fat Pat and Hein have many questions to answer.
Deflection and obfuscation.


Über Member
Bet Paul Kimmage is peeing himself with laughter now that the USAD documents are out.

Big Pat, don't make and even bigger Pr1ck out of yourself than you already are by continuing this nonsense.


Über Member
I personally hope the case continues. By then the UCI will be so discredited that any credible court will find in PK's favour that his year's of dedicated anti-doping journalism will finally bear fruit. You never know, the case may end up forcing McQuiad to resign, rather than him taking the easy option of bailing before hand.

I live in hope.


pre-talced and mighty
I personally hope the case continues. By then the UCI will be so discredited that any credible court will find in PK's favour that his year's of dedicated anti-doping journalism will finally bear fruit. You never know, the case may end up forcing McQuiad to resign, rather than him taking the easy option of bailing before hand.

I live in hope.
....but not in Switzerland.

And that's the point, surely. Why do these grasping, corrupt bodies hang out in Switzerland?


Failed Tech Bro
....but not in Switzerland.

And that's the point, surely. Why do these grasping, corrupt bodies hang out in Switzerland?
I believe it's the competitive tax regime and flexible banking industry that attracts.

Or it could be the scenery.

Nope, it's the tax and banking.


The Borough
Why do these grasping, corrupt bodies hang out in Switzerland?
Tax and corporate governance, lack thereof.
Chocolate and cheese, abundance thereof.


Failed Tech Bro
While we're on to Switzerland, I've always enjoyed the idea that Sepp Blatter, Michelle Platini, Jacques Rogge and McQuaid all hang out in a big bunker underneath an Alp, like some sporty Marvel 'Emissaries of Evil'. Perhaps they could all star in the next Avengers film - there could even be a scene where Armstrong calls Paul Kimmage "a mewling quim"?

(it's in the film mods, honest! And it got a 12 cert!!!!)


I bet the UCI are beginning to wish they'd not subpoenaed Kimmage now. I reckon they're on a hiding to nothing.

Withdraw the case and it'll be seen by many as fearful of facing 'the truth'. To go ahead but loose (in the current climate, definitely a possibility) only endorses the corruption view. They'd trumpet a win certainly but it'll be seen as a hollow victory and doesn't put them anywhere they're not already. They'll only be able to say that a court says Kimmage can't say those things, not that they aren't true.

I'd love for Kimmage to do an 'Ace Face' from Quadrophenia though? That is, be found guilty then promptly whip out his cheque book and says he'll pay now!
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