Under Seige. I feel completely exhausted.

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Flick of the Elbow
I feel completely drained. Our lives seem to be under constant siege from everyone else, politicians, criminals, developers, lobbyists. It's just exhausting to constantly be alert to the next threat, to constantly be ready to respond to their every move, to constantly be trying to anticipate their next move. Some examples.

Our council tax is finally increasing but it's been frozen for the last ten years. Our house should be in a higher band after we built a huge extension but houses in Scotland don't get rebanded unless sold.
I often forget to put the bin out, not a problem as I don't throw out much.
Mrs Celine's income tax will increase but the extra being promised to local government after the green's intervention might just keep me in a job.
I'm glad I have investments and possessions worth stealing
There is plenty of money around which creates economic activity which leads to a lot of movement of goods, services and people, which in turn wears out the roads
Aubergines are revolting and the only courgettes I eat are the ones I grow myself. In courgette season. Which is not February.
There is so much money sloshing around that people can afford to fly so often. My back garden is peaceful because the RAF are skint and seem to have stopped low flying for now (or we aren't about to bomb anyone)
There is so much money sloshing around that developers keep trying to build things
My diesel car pays only £30 a year VED and averages 60mpg, easily offsetting any penalty charges which might be levied in a city 400 miles away that I am unlikely to ever drive in
I have so much spare cash I can afford to spend some of it on food for wild creatures which are perfectly able to fend for themselves

Is there no end ?
You sound as if you live in some sort of paradise. Does your council still provide an adequate network of public toilets ?


Here for rides.
You sound as if you live in some sort of paradise. Does your council still provide an adequate network of public toilets ?
Please define the criteria for adequate.

Deleted member 26715

Serious question... has it actually got harder or are you just more anxious about it whereas before you weren't? Anxiety about the future does seem to be a middle-aged bloke sort of a thing.
Well that is a very good question, with my sensible hat on, no it hasn't got harder, I earn more, I actually have disposable income which is not something I've ever had before, my job is I suppose under no more threat than it ever has been, my health on the whole is good, although it takes longer to do things.

But without that hat on, I have for the last 20 years effectively worked for the same person although in different companies, who should he decide he's had enough would render me unemployed, which never bothered me before, but now at 56 is a concern. I have no savings nor pension, which again is a concern, my father is 93 & has just started losing his short term memory. The world seems to be a far more hostile place than it has been over the last 30-40 years, I fear for my grandchildren's futures, yes it's all in my head, but I live in my head.

Middle class shop at Waitrose and take a copy of the guardian on their way out. It isn't an exact science.
Definitely not Middle Class then, I didn't even know Waitrose still existed, don't think there has ever been any in this neck of the woods, used to see them when we went darn sarf.


Here for rides.
No consolation @Phaeton but since turning 54, and leaving my job, in 2014, I find myself beset by all manner of anxieties, some rational - How will I pay off my mortgage without downsizing? How easy is it to get a job in your mid-50's? How rubbish is my pension provision? - some much, much less so, but none of which I ever gave a second thought to before.

Mindfulness helps. Understanding what I can control and influence helps. Venting in here, and elsewhere, helps. Recognising its that time of life for me helps. Worries about elderly parents worked themselves out when they passed. Their passing helps.


Here for rides.
I am all of the above.

You do understand why "protected characteristics" exist?

White, middle-age/class, heterosexual males have one of the most advantageous positions in society.
True. And many of us are ill-prepared for the shock of seeing our protected status eroded.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Most peoples anxities are rooted in money, aren't they? Either directly and current, like bill paying; or deferred, like mortgages and pensions.


Here for rides.
Most peoples anxities are rooted in money, aren't they? Either directly and current, like bill paying; or deferred, like mortgages and pensions.
Some would say there are only three things that are at the root of all male anxiety...


but I would add Health and Mortality to that list.
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