Under Seige. I feel completely exhausted.

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Legendary Member
Life has become so tough. I can only afford to have smoked salmon twice a week and have to consider doing an LPG conversion on the Rolls.
You sound as if you think you live in your own personal hell, though I'm sure it would be paradise to many.

There is still an adequate network of public toilets locally, all currently free but will be 30p a go from April. The council are having to introduce charges because their budget has been steadily reducing, partly due to the council tax freeze over the last 10 years. This reduction in funding also affects road maintenance, which explains the roads falling to bits.

Still, at least the council tax freeze is ending so councils won't have to cut so much and we can all stop moaning.
Oh wait....
I wouldn't have minded paying for the toilets but they didn't offer us that option.
I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised that a post expressing that I am fed up being everyone's target has generated so many more barbed arrows aimed my way from this forum. This seems to be the way of things on this forum, quick to judge, quick to criticise, quick to mock. Not much empathy here. Not for the likes of me at any rate. It's as if it's one more thing that I am automatically disqualified from by dint of living at or above an arbitrarily judged (i.e. by you) council tax band. Like reliable bin collections and public toilets.


Norven Mankey
I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised that a post expressing that I am fed up being everyone's target has generated so many more barbed arrows aimed my way from this forum. This seems to be the way of things on this forum, quick to judge, quick to criticise, quick to mock. Not much empathy here. Not for the likes of me at any rate. It's as if it's one more thing that I am automatically disqualified from by dint of living at or above an arbitrarily judged (i.e. by you) council tax band. Like reliable bin collections and public toilets.

I think the criticism is that you need a sense of perspective. To you, bin collections and public toilets are a source of extreme frustration and exhaustion. For a lot of people in the world there is no such thing as bin collections or public toilets

Sure, we all get a bit fed up about our bins and toilets. But with a bit of perspective about our actually extremely fortunate position in the world, these seem like matters that are trivial in the extreme. If you really feel exercised by these matters, why not devote some of your energies to helping those with no bins or toilets at all?


Legendary Member
Sure, we all get a bit fed up about our bins and toilets.
Panto style> "Oh no we don't"<panto style end.
My dustbin emptying service is excellent, even if I forget to put my wheelie bin out one night, it doesn't really matter, my bin is so huge I can easily wait to have it emptied on the next visit in 2 weeks time.
As for public toilets, there is only one but that seems adequate in my small town, and it's quite new, was only built within the last two years.
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