Unfriendly/arrogant cyclists

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Sunny Suffolk
I am surprised you have taken so long to notice that entry :whistle:
The irony being that I don't take the glow in the dark bike out after dark...

I shall obviously be scouring the web for come glow in the dark paint and will be making a guerrilla attack on your bike shed in the near future.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
The irony being that I don't take the glow in the dark bike out after dark...

I shall obviously be scouring the web for come glow in the dark paint and will be making a guerrilla attack on your bike shed in the near future.

Actually I was thinking of getting the Fixed resprayed this year, what time will you be round ?


I do tend to acknowledge other riders but this might be fairly subtle. A slight nod of the head or the raising on a few fingers and possibly quite easy to miss if the other rider isn't paying me full attention.

So if anyone thinks I haven't greeted them or acknowledged their greeting it isn't me being rude, it is most likely them who hasn't given me their full and undivided attention whilst I have been in their view :whistle:

Obviously this only applies if I am on my cheaper road bike. While on my 'expensive' road bike, I wouldn't lower myself to greeting the needy and unwashed masses. Damn plebs :rolleyes:

One or two are good numbers.
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Well I just been reading up on cycling and join a club

"It’s friendlier than you think" .....You must be Joking ....

I find cyclists UN FRIENDLY in general when out riding ....I've been doing my own little test when out riding for weeks and weeks ...today I past 15 odd cyclists and I smiled and gave it a big "good morning" or "hello there lovely day" I got THREE yes THREE replies and I've been doing this for weeks then coming home to the wife and commenting on just how rude or ignorant they all seam to be (worrying being a cyclist myself) .....road bike 20-50 a day then MTB 10-15 ...I've even tried the subtle nod of the head and raise of the fingers of the bars ......same result

I'm not bothered by the lack of reply just find it odd

.I'm all so a Land Rover driver we all wave at each other and 99% all ways wave back .......Is it just me am I expecting to much in expecting a reply from my fellow man or woman cyclist ?? I will say the ones who do reply are very friendly....I've been considering joining a club for a couple of year but the fact most seam so rude and ignorant has totally put me off ........who wants to join a club with a bunch of miseries who cant even be bothered to say hi to people interested in the same sport as them ........Bet the club would be a bundle of laughs ....So I'm sticking to riding on me own and Land Rover clubs where every one is happy and friendly.


Smash the cistern
It's like buses. You wait ages for one and then it's two the same day.
It was like the M25 with cyclists around Penistone area yesterday. Anyone I spoke to answered except one, but he was going downhill at mach 1 pedalling like a loon.
I don't expect an answer and sometimes I'm not in the mood to talk, nod or do a dance either.
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