Utility supplier gone bust.

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They should have stuck to making the Vulcan bomber.
and the Shackleton
Otherwise know and the BBMF Lancaster training Academy

Great aircraft company in its day

apparently rubbish at supplying energy in a financially responsible way


We do have smart meters, but Avro couldn't read them so we submitted readings every month.
What's the problem with them ?
I had one put on by/on behalf of Shell Energy, had to be looked at as it never gave any readings on the indoor display after which it has only given electric readings. After weeks of assuring me they were getting the readings they have now said they are no longer getting them. The logical answer would be their is something wrong with it but no I must be in a poor reception area. A neighbour has just had the one put on by eon so if that works okay another complaint coming up.
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Firm and Fruity
A friend used to work for EDF but moved to one of these start ups when they were trying to attract new recruits.
He lasted 6 months before heading back to EDF. They were constantly struggling for cash flow and management were putting huge pressure on staff to get money through the door.
One bump in the road and they are all FUBAR’d.


Legendary Member
I'm with Bulb and will hang on to see how things go. If the worst happens, I just hope they don't switch me back to those money grabbing, shite service providers at Scottish Power
  • 9 have gone bust since Jan, 2 yesterday.
  • Do not worry, the regulator will appoint a new supplier
  • There is no disruption to supply
  • Appointed suppliers are offering cheaper rates than the rates that they charge to their existing customers, so don't cancel and move.
  • Just take a meter reading and the date that you took it and wait for the new appointed supplier to contact you.
  • Credit balances for households are protected.
  • If you think you found a better supplier, the appointed supplier cannot charge you any exit fees.


Legendary Member
Possibly, but we've had the 5% interest since we've been with them. It's paid far better than putting it into any savings account.

And yes, I'd guessed it would all end badly at some point.

If a deal sounds too good to be true....


Legendary Member
Damn and blast. Someone is stealing my A grade material.

Living in Dorset and being an Avro customer I’m hoping Électricité de France ( EDF ) can run a cable direct from Cap de la Hague and cut out the middle man. 😉
Would a 4 gang extension lead be enough for all you appliances?


Damn and blast. Someone is stealing my A grade material.

Would a 4 gang extension lead be enough for all you appliances?
Should be, might be a bit of volt drop, what with the length of the cable. ( as an aside, if any of the Nuclear reactors did go into meltdown, the prevailing winds will carry the fallout all over the SW )


There was an interesting piece on the R4 news last night explaining that the gas market has changed in the background over recent years with more reliance on liquified gas brought in by ship. The joy of capitalism means that we now have to compete for supplies more than ever, and if lucrative demand goes up elsewhere on the globe we either pay more or go without (and pay more).


We’re on our second round of bust supplier in 2021. We were with Yorkshire Energy for about 6 months before they went under. ofgem sent us to Scottish Power who were at least efficient in opening the account, allowing us to switch after 1 month to …. Green who went under on Wednesday. Not yet heard who we’ll get now, and looks like it’s a toss up between staying on the Cap rate or getting a slightly cheaper fix if you can.
My understanding is you can’t switch until the appointed supplier has your account up and running.
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