Weight Watcher's Thread

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Really bad week, just weighed in at 100.4kg. Still downward but only by 0.2kg. I could make any number of excuses but reality is more like my old school reports “must try harder”

Still struggling, just weighed in at 100kg so only a loss of 0.2kg again. Trying to find the positives, it’s still a loss. May just take me a while longer than I thought to turn into Adonis.


My Armchair
Wasn't sure I'd made much progress so far, so was pleasantly surprised to see another 3lb come off over the last 8 days.

A total of 5lbs now since I reduced my calorie intake.

Like @ColinJ above I'm still not back on the bike so apart from a bit of walking it's only the reduced intake that's making any difference.
Might as well join this thread...I know I am overweight but its more the blood pressure thats concerning me so trying to lower bp which should in turn lower the weight. Currently 14:9 and 6" (and 160/95!!!). Clothes never feel comfortable and just feel....well...fat!

I am well aware of the issue, what is causing it, where I have to cut back, its just doing it, isnt it. Done it before, when I first got a bp scare and thought I can do this, and I did, weight dropped, bp dropped, but then relaxed because I did it and thought I can do it anytime now...well, anytime has been 3 years plus so need to get back on track...

So, logging in here, hopefully this will give me a bit of accountability.

Best wishes to one and all

Alan O

Über Member
Two weeks in, and my weight this morning is 96.1kg - that's a loss of 1.7kg in two weeks (and 5.1kg down from my peak of 101.2kg in October).

Target of 85kg by 1 July is definitely feasible.


Firm and Fruity
100.9kg today.
4.2kg lost since new year.
Target is 90kg by June, very doable.


Über Member
I've hit the wall a bit recently weight-wise, holding steady between 75-76Kg for the last fortnight, but the target is 74.5Kg (revised down from 78Kg at the end of the summer) so I'm on track and happy with that. My fitness is much better now, and I suspect I'm putting some muscle on my legs which is counteracting the weight loss somewhat. I did the zwift mountain event last night in a group sub-2w/kg ride which was well over an hour (which is longer than I've ever attempted on the turbo, especially 'climbing') and I must have sweated off half a Kg in fluids alone... the conservatory was wringing wet by the time I got off the bike. I skipped the joyous downhill return which makes the stats look awful but I'm determined to concentrate & improve upon my hill climbing stamina!


Still struggling, just weighed in at 100kg so only a loss of 0.2kg again. Trying to find the positives, it’s still a loss. May just take me a while longer than I thought to turn into Adonis.

98.8 kg today. A further loss of 1.2kg, admittedly this is over 2 weeks as I was away from home with work last week and unable to weigh in. In the right direction though so all good.


East Sussex
Weighed myself on the 1st (February) having not weighed myself since before Christmas. I had decided, before I stepped on the scales, that I would be happy to find that I had gained only three pounds over the festive season - although I had tried quite hard to limit any gains, and had resumed training during January I felt sure I must have added some poundage. Not at all. I was delighted to discover that I was actually two pounds down on my 1 December weight!
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