Welcome to C+ Forumers

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New Member
I'm in (known on C+ forum's as LorneC)

Bikeradar was just sucking my will to check out the cycling forums during my dull day


To the point
Useful anagrams for Bike Radar:

A dire bark

Air braked

A beard irk

Arid break

Brake raid

A kerb raid

Bad era irk

Dare I bark
Just found this forum and have now registered. This place seems far more like our old haunt at C+

I like to embrace all things new, but just couldn't get to grips with Bikeradar.

Glad to see a good number of the C+ clan are over here. Maybe I might start posting more now :?:


I've become a member of this forum.
I haven't made any other posts yet because there hasn't been any topics which I feel particularly englightened on or threads that I feel justified in casting the benefit of my infinite wisdom on, however just a quick reply to say hi and that I will be keeping a lookout for such.

I would also welcome suggestions on what picture I should use as my avatar.


Legendary Member
well don't suppose anyone will remember me but I'm from C+ as well. Pretty stunned to sit down with a sandwich, log in and find it's all gone. A great shame. I had a scout around BikeRadar but couldn't find much till someone posted this link.

It would be great to feel one could quietly read all the great stuff in Know How, Beginners, Touring etc again but I have my doubts.......I have a terrible feeling the whole thing has gone for ever and we will not see its like again.

:?: :?:


New Member
Am I late? (runs in looking hot and flustered, dumps coat on armchair). What have I missed? This all looks a bit more inviting doesn't it. I couldn't get on with the other place, had about as much soul as an out of town shopping complex. Shudder.


Patrick Stevens][quote=Bad Company said:
I think we are just missing toomeybimbleyrothbrook. Hopefully he will be along. I have never agreed with him but he is highly entertaining. :?:

Spire and I are trying to tempt him over with some suitable posts in Soapbox. :?:[/quote]
There's no campaign forum here, so he'd feel lost without somewhere to go on pro-speed camera rants and continually whinge on about his love affair with Paul Smith.
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