We're all a bunch of lawless reprobates!

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Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
I triggered a speed camera a few weeks ago. Took a speed awareness course.
Subsequent to that I was considering taking an AIM course.
Sod it, not putting money in their pocket.


slower but no further
SE London
"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Law is primarily about regulating conflict between members of the community. This particulary applies to traffic law. So if you do something that cannot effect anyone else is it justifiable to call it a crime?
Red Light Jumping is claiming a priority you do not have and its potential to harm yourself or others. So passing a red on a deserted road seen by no-one but the cyclist is like that silent tree. Confusing that cyclist with the rush hour POB Lemmings says nothing about danger or irresponsibility.

Yet both would have to answer yes to the question. Adding them together is just plain silly. Adding and publishing them is just plain malicious.


Taking a step back from this and given the fact that the IaM article hasn't been released yet, I wonder if there is some posturing going on by the Guardian. The IaM are pro-cyclist IMO (or more like pro safe responsible driving).

Let's see what the press release actually says.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Their news page has this today. Apart from the headline, which is designed to raise eyebrows, the report seems pretty reasonable.

They could have actually used ''The figures for drivers jumping red lights are as follows: 31.8 % (of those who just drive), 21.3% (drivers who also cycle).'' for a headline along the lines of:

Non-cycling drivers jump more red lights
Drivers who cycle are more law-abiding says survey



Über Member


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
It's not the survey that's at fault, it's how it's been pre-packaged for prejudice. The news release draws attention to the parlous state of cycling provision and the level of drivers' ignorance about what an advanced stop line is but it then parcels it up for the Daily Mail. So why am I not surprised that the DM omits the equally legitimate conclusion that drivers who cycle are more law-abiding than those that don't?


Well-Known Member
Redhill, Surrey
did like this quote thou seems hi did kinda understand i do jump on or two lights out of the hundreds i pass on the way to work but these are mainly the ones where i have clear view and are ped xings

"Martin Gibbs, policy director at British Cycling, said: “Some junctions are so badly designed that people on bikes feel they have to choose between riding legally and riding safely, and this urgently needs addressing.”"


Evil Genius in training.
Warrington, UK
came down to bbc breakfast this morning with a chap from IAM talking about cyclists etc. had a nice lady on there who couldn't really get a word in properly.
they were generally arguing about road awareness and cyclist awareness tho.
shame i missed it tbh, doesn't appear to be on iplayer
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