What do you put in your bottle?

What do you put in your bottle?

  • Water

    Votes: 71 43.8%
  • Energy Powder, Torq, High5, Zipvit, etc

    Votes: 33 20.4%
  • Cordial, Sqaush, diluted juice etc

    Votes: 48 29.6%
  • Undiluted Fruit Juice

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Home Made Drink

    Votes: 8 4.9%

  • Total voters
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water in one a nuun tablet in the other.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
It depends on why you are riding. If your cycling to help lose some weight then adding calories to your water is pointless.

On longer rides ordinary food or energy gels washed down with clean water.


I use the energy dust for longer rides but stick with water for rides up to an hour. I have still not got an LBS that I regard as my 'local' so am buying whatever I come across in the shops. The latest (cant remember the name) is the best I have come across for some time - really like the taste. Sadly, I bought it in a little shop outside Ancona when I was on holiday and I know I will not be able to get it locally.

I think it works. Indeed, I have succeeded in convincing my wife to use it and I notice that she does not run out of energy as quickly on longer rides. Before, she would ride strongly for about an hour and then start to fade.


Active Member
Water usually, I normally get through 750ml on an 8 mile commute. I get pretty thirsty. On longer rides, I'll use Torq energy powder in with the drinks. I think that works really well. So well I call it Jesus Juice.

mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
normally one of water if under 2 hours plus a banana. over 2 hours water and weak electrolyte and banana. over 4 hours use the first 2 bottles, now with half strength electrlyte drink, and buy water and coke making the coke go flat.


My Armchair
I voted cordial but only mix it quite weak so it's not too sticky.
Don't even bother taking a drink on the commute (9+miles) just get a quick drink of water when I arrive followed by a cup of tea.
I do like the Lucozade energy drinks for a longer ride though,have just seen Tesco do their version for about half the price so will give them a go as well.


None of the poll choices

Either Nuun or just electrolyte powder with water

See my blog writeup
"the secret ingredient"


Openly Marxist
Coconut water is far and away the best stuff, but it's far too expensive to fill bottles with. I sometimes stick an electrolyte tab in for the night rides, but they taste vile and are full of all sorts of crap. Can't be a good idea to drink a lot of that stuff. Usually just water.
Being new to longish rides am still experimenting:

< 1 hr - water only
> 1 hr - lucozade energy powder - found to be quite acceptable, the gel was disgusting.

Very much like the home brew idea and will try soon. Unless you are a serious racer, not sure why anyone would spend all that cash regularly as all these type of products seem expensive to me.
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