What does your significant other think of your cycling hobby?

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The secret is Budget, and Self-Control, IMHO. ;)

The less money you have coming in, the more in control you need to be ;)
I pay my rent way in advance so I don't end up spending that money by accident on my bike and then not be able to pay rent.. That's one thing I've been doing. And trying to spend less time browsing sports persuit and getting tempted by the bargains.

All uphill

Still rolling along
I was at uni, going to lectures and labs during the weekday and socialising with my mates and random people. Then I would go see a friend on the weekend or do uni work or I'll go home. So I was always around people, surrounded by good banter.now everything is online.
I asked upthread for you to understand those of us who prefer to be solitary, and you did.😁

I want to say I understand how difficult things are now for people who are naturally gregarious and find their meaning through their social contacts. I'm glad you are able, at least, to talk with us here.

I hope things improve for you (and everyone else) soon. In the meantime keep cycling!


Boring answer - in the periods of my life when my income was low I would delay any significant purchase by a few days, never buying on impulse. Very often it turned out I didn't need whatever it was, just wanted it at that moment.

Now I have savings I ask myself if something will give me lasting pleasure - if the answer is yes I buy it. I have a nice bike and a crappy car!
I've putting off buying a merino wool long sleeve Jersey for a couple of days, but today ended up buying it, it was on sale, only 60 quid. Never getting a car or driving licence, my bike is enough for me.


I asked upthread for you to understand those of us who prefer to be solitary, and you did.😁

I want to say I understand how difficult things are now for people who are naturally gregarious and find their meaning through their social contacts. I'm glad you are able, at least, to talk with us here.

I hope things improve for you (and everyone else) soon. In the meantime keep cycling!
It is hard when most days I don't leave the house and I have no one to talk to. I found out that most people are not very good at text messaging :sad: I haven't been cycling much lately because it keeps raining and I'm used to cycling with other people and not by myself, then there's the whole thing of not knowing what route to do anymore and then I get lonely sitting on my saddle pedalling for hours by myself.I'm just hoping things will be more normal in spring but I don't know if that's me being over optimistic.


Legendary Member
It is hard when most days I don't leave the house and I have no one to talk to. I found out that most people are not very good at text messaging :sad: I haven't been cycling much lately because it keeps raining and I'm used to cycling with other people and not by myself, then there's the whole thing of not knowing what route to do anymore and then I get lonely sitting on my saddle pedalling for hours by myself.I'm just hoping things will be more normal in spring but I don't know if that's me being over optimistic.
Phone them up :okay:


Legendary Member
I pay my rent way in advance so I don't end up spending that money by accident on my bike and then not be able to pay rent.. That's one thing I've been doing. And trying to spend less time browsing sports persuit and getting tempted by the bargains.
They’re not bargains if you can’t afford them :okay:
You don’t need to spend £60 on any single piece of Cycling clothing


this is a bargain
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I genuinely don't think the cats mind my cycling. My mum does think I'm a bit batty, but then I've never made any claims to my sanity or lack thereof. :laugh: Besides, she's resigned herself to the fact that she has grandcats rather than grandkids. Actually, she's really rather supportive, even if she doesn't quite "get" it.

Cycling, like writing and painting is my headspace. Even just half an hour on the bike invariably makes me feel better.

I should say that I'm very much an introvert, so am perfectly happy entertaining myself.

And I did once ditch a partner because he didn't like the cats... :whistle:
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