What old cycling technology etc would you like to see return?

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Cyclists wearing caps have better more frequent sex, go to the best parties, and are the most charismatic. Helmet wearers are the geeks of the party world, sitting quietly in the corner nursing half a lemonade.

Lol, Have to take issue with you there Ming, wear a helmet but when at a party i have a few full glasses of lemonade and not even the no added sugar lemonade.


Senior Member
During sex.
Oh thank you Drago. I now have an image of noted Belgian Eddy Merckx, complete with sideburns and Molteni cap, addressing himself vigorously to an unshaven young lady in a third-generation VHS copy of an "adult" movie...
Agreed. Tough old buggers they are...
bloody hell, a response from the blue thing.
Yes, I have bought various supposedly clever things over the years, things that promise to make getting the tyre off easier. Many just bend. The park ones don't promise/offer the greatest leverage, they are positively stubby, but at least I know they won't bend or break. Never broken one. Surprisingly cheap for Park. No need to use anything else.
(offers for my various clever tyre levers considered)


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
Yes, I remember those C+ levers. Still got them somewhere.
I can say that cyclists who don't wear helmets can hold their beer better, are excellent cooks, outstanding engineers, and considerate and enthusiastic lovers. Unless we've had to cycle up Preston / Benington Hill [insert local bar steward hill here].

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Yes, I remember those C+ levers. Still got them somewhere.
I can say that cyclists who don't wear helmets can hold their beer better, are excellent cooks, outstanding engineers, and considerate and enthusiastic lovers. Unless we've had to cycle up Preston / Benington Hill [insert local bar steward hill here].

At least they both have pubs near the top
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