What racing bike would you buy

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Well-Known Member
Niether was my full sachs/hurret 18/20 tubed team replica but it was my first proper racer (that'a what we called "road bikes" in the olden days)

yes i call them racing bikes as road bikes could mean any thing other than a mountain bike, a 3 speed bike with straight handlebars, a sit up and beg they are alll road bikes surely . . . . . . . .


Bird Saviour

and then a Pashley

and then... (applying n+1 rule)

Velokraft NonCom:


Innessenti trike

If money was no object I'd quit work and devote my life to retraining as a world class frame builder. Then I'd have to practice on, say, 50 customer's frames before I considered myself good enough to silver solder my masterpeice out of hand carved lugs and custom drawn tubing. And then I'd equip it with Campag 50th anniv. Super Record (the one with the blue jewels).

And never ride it because (a) it would be too precious and (b) I'd have died of old age by this point.


Well-Known Member
If money was no object I'd quit work and devote my life to retraining as a world class frame builder. Then I'd have to practice on, say, 50 customer's frames before I considered myself good enough to silver solder my masterpeice out of hand carved lugs and custom drawn tubing. And then I'd equip it with Campag 50th anniv. Super Record (the one with the blue jewels).H

And never ride it because (a) it would be too precious and (b) I'd have died of old age by this point.

How very interesting. And the recumblent looks really i wonder how easy or hard are they to ride and what they cost
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