What's the legal situation here?

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Naturist Smurf
In reply to classic33... the road in question is Dewsbury Road A653. I tried to get the image linked from Google Maps but I can't do it (or I don't know how to). The junction in question is bang opposite Beeston Line taxis. (not my taxi firm by the way). Road going into Leeds has bus lane on that side. I was on the other side turning right. No cycle lane as you can see and rather a narrow lane on that side.
Is this the junction?


Über Member
Mole Valley
In reply to classic33... the road in question is Dewsbury Road A653. I tried to get the image linked from Google Maps but I can't do it (or I don't know how to). The junction in question is bang opposite Beeston Line taxis. (not my taxi firm by the way). Road going into Leeds has bus lane on that side. I was on the other side turning right. No cycle lane as you can see and rather a narrow lane on that side.
This is interesting, I don't know Leeds at all, so can't comment on the particular road.
Cyclists are allowed to use bus lanes, unless it says otherwise. Highway Code rule 65. In which case they might well of been 'flying' down the road.
Part of the problem is the widespread use of kerbside cycle lanes. In the days before they existed we mostly overtook slow and stationary traffic on the outside. Ive a couple of junctions on my commute where cars being flashed across in front of me is a daily threat. And i ride in the cycle lane because its there. So i slow down.


Über Member
Mole Valley
Part of the problem is the widespread use of kerbside cycle lanes. In the days before they existed we mostly overtook slow and stationary traffic on the outside. Ive a couple of junctions on my commute where cars being flashed across in front of me is a daily threat. And i ride in the cycle lane because its there. So i slow down.
Which comes back to my original thought, the cyclist in question is an idiot. Not got the sense that they where born with.
Is this the link? https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=ls11 5nw&hl=en&ll=53.779063,-1.544716&spn=0.007532,0.021007&sll=53.782499,-1.571217&sspn=0.060247,0.168056&hnear=LS11 5NW, United Kingdom&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=53.778911,-1.544734&panoid=RFGX53m_Df6y6-F6uw4o0w&cbp=12,0,,0,0

If it is - the bus lane is very clearly signposted as a bus AND cycle lane? And the other carriageway isn't a single lane? You were trying to turn across two lanes, one full of stationary traffic, and the other the bus/cycle lane?

I'm feeling just a little nervous. Please tell me you're not one of the taxi drivers with the sticker on their back bumper proudly declaring "This taxi is allowed to use bus lanes."

Ummmmm - that little message .... "irritates" me.
I quite often get a good view of it.
A VERY close view of it.

As some taxi driver forgets that he's actually using a lane for buses AND cycles, and screams past with 6 inches clearance?

But maybe I've got the junction wrong.
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Über Member
Mole Valley
Now things seem to have done a 360. This does seem to be a little less clear cut. Cyclist using a bus/cycle lane. Taxi driver turning across said lane. Taxi driver should be aware of bus/cycle lanes existence and should be showing caution when turning right across the lane with restricted visibility. Taxi driver is now looking a bit more like taxi drivers we all love.
Must admit, a slice of humble pie might be in order. I beg a fellow cyclists forgiveness. I may just have jumped to a few assumptions, possibly too eager to take OPs' word.
The road in question does seem a little narrow (or is that just street view). Personally, as a cyclist, I might be showing a little caution, but how do I now judge what the OP terms flying?


Leg End Member
Which comes back to my original thought, the cyclist in question is an idiot. Not got the sense that they where born with.
Question for the OP.
Are you the driver of a Private Hire Vehicle or an actual Taxi. Beeston Lines are Private Hire.
If the Luton Van had been a large articulated lorry, and the opposite carriageway a dual Lane, with the artic blocking your view of the inside, how would you gave dealt with that? It's the exact same situation.

If the cyclist hit you, the blame is there to be shared between you, the cyclist, and even the van that stopped! The balance of blame is entirely situational, but there's no scenario I can see where you wouldn't have some portion applied to you by a court.


Legendary Member
"We only have DBrown67s' word that cyclist was 'flying' down the inside. But, What idiot, in their right mind, is going to do that, when the view of the road ahead is obscured to them?"

Because they do. Just look at Youtube and you will see them.

I "think DBrown did everything right, except by trying to pass in front of a van. Hopefully that is a point he has taken on board. Having said that, if it was dark there is still a good chance he would find it hard to see the bike because it is behind the car and the lights, if they had any, would be hidden.

This is why I also have a light high up on my chest and also high up on my back.

If a cyclist is filtering along the Inside of a queue of cars, although it is legal, I still think they should be reading the road ahead and reacting to whats happening.

A gap appeared in the traffic ahead when the van stopped but the cyclist may not have reacted to it.

If an accident had occurred, I think it would have been classed as a six of one, half a dozen of the other accident.

This "Why should we" attitude that some cyclists have, must be adding to the casualty figures.



Well-Known Member
Question for the OP.
Are you the driver of a Private Hire Vehicle or an actual Taxi. Beeston Lines are Private Hire.

I've said this before... Beeston Line is not my workplace. Yes I am private hire. I cannot use bus lanes. However my posts are being moderated first and you are not reading them. People are replying before my posts are visible.

Some of you are now jumping to assumptions from a pic that's facing the WRONG WAY.

The junction people have linked to is correct. But the guy (growingvegetables) who says I'm turning across two lanes has got it wrong. I'm coming towards the camera in that image (away from Leeds) and so I'm turning across a single line of traffic into the car park entrance the woman is walking towards (where bus stop is). I am NOT turning into the junction where the guy is, and I can see why you'd think I was in the wrong there as it is two lanes. In fact the black car in that image is basically me... although hugging the lines a little closer as I'm indicating right.

The first link (posted by YellowTim) is facing the correct way and you can see it's a single lane with a bus in the distance overtaking a parked car. No cycle lane, no bus lane (although it is marked as a bus stop at that junction section).

Now that we have a correct image posted, would you "fly" down the inside of that narrow lane. If someone suddenly pops out of nowhere literally a foot in front of you, then yes I'd call that flying. I still don't know the legal stance though.
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Leg End Member
Beeston Lines were mentioned by me as they are a Private Hire company, not a Taxi company.
Leeds City council, like many councils are cracking down on Private Hire companies passing themselves off as taxi companies. A different licence is issued, for each type. Each with its own set of restrictions.
I did mention that we'd have to wait for your answer, due to it being checked by the moderators, which put you at a disadvantage.


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
So this is the situation?
Yellow arrow is your path, so the bus lane is irrelevant here as you were not crossing it?
(Just clarifying here)


Well-Known Member
Correct Spinney. The images linked earlier are really good, but in the second one I'm coming towards the camera.


Maybe the cyclist was 'flying' because he anticipated the car turning so he sped up to get past before it turned? Also looks to be up hill or maybe flat so I suspect the speed has been hugely exaggerated. Probably just seemed fast because the OP was shocked when the cyclist appeared knowing that they'd almost collided.


Part of the problem is the widespread use of kerbside cycle lanes. In the days before they existed we mostly overtook slow and stationary traffic on the outside. Ive a couple of junctions on my commute where cars being flashed across in front of me is a daily threat. And i ride in the cycle lane because its there. So i slow down.
Same here. I have a road on my route home from work that is usually stationary/crawling traffic for around a mile between two sets of traffic lights.
Theres a painted on cyle lane on the left, which motorists mostly leave clear to allow filtering, which means not enough space to filter on the right. There are a couple of junctions along this stretch and without fail I get cut up one way or another every day.
I crawl along to allow for driver error, but its a simple case of drivers making assumptions and failing to look properly.
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