what's the point of quorn?

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My comment was aimed at your suggestion that a person cannot be a chef if they get sauce from a jar.
OK, but my post wouldn't have been so punchy if it had read "Some who gets pesto from a retail jar with an ingredients is not a chef."

A chef may put all the pesto into jars that he likes, but if I go to restaurant and order (green) pesto, I expect the flavour and aromas of the fresh herb it's made from (basil usually), not something that has been sitting around for hours or days or weeks. Sundried tomato pesto would probably improve a little with age as would tapenade.

So if a chef came out with the jar he was serving the basil pesto from, whether it he filled it or not, i would not be happy.

, even though I'm sure a pedant will have a fit when he discovers it was made with wild garlic from the garden rather than basil,
Pesto mean pound, so you are allowed to use whatever you want.

Of course, food processor is not "pounding", but you won't hear a peep from me about that.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Ramekins is for baked beans. You ask @User .

Not any more. Since I saw beyond ramekins in use in Crawley the scales have fallen from my eyes.


Chris S

Legendary Member
Quorn is rapidly disappearing off the shelves in South Birmingham. Sainsbury's and Asda now only stock about half the range that they used to. Another victim of the falling pound?


North Shields
Product recall on one batch.

That was at Tesco.


A fish out of water
Gorllewin Cymru
Myself and my better half are vegetarians, well to be precise Pescatarians, as we eat some fish.

I stopped eating meat well over five years ago, more for health reasons and don't miss it.

Strangely when I was a meat eater I didn't think too much about the killing of animals for food, but now, when I see animals going off for slaughter it does make me think.

Fish farming is another thing which gets me thinking.

Anyway, back to Quorn :scratch:

We don't eat so much of it now but we've tried them all, so here's my opinion.

Quorn roast, ok'ish when hot, not nice when cold.

The bacon stuff, awful.

Mince, not too bad.

The best items I'd say are the Swedish style meatballs and the spicy burgers.

The Linda McCartney stuff makes my wife sick, it seems to have some additives in it which disagree with her.
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