'Which?' Should Cyclists pay 'Road Tax?' Grrrrrrr

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It is totally unworkable and would cost too much to set up. As said above the tax for low emmission vehicles is £0.

Would every bike need a tax disk and number plate? Even kids bikes and bikes that are used twice a year, or just commuters? Who would enforce it? would I need to SORN my bikes if they are off the road? What if I have a track bike or a MTB that never goes on the road?

Most cyclists have a car, I have two, both are taxed and insured. I cant cycle and drive at the same time so when I'm on my bike my car is sitting on my drive but I have still paid my "Tax".

The reason why dog licensing never gets off the ground is that it is a costly exercise, no one could enforce it and only the already responsible owners would bother, the small minority that the exercise is aimed to target just won't bother anyway. How many cars are currently not taxed and insured, the estimate in London is around 10%.

And roads are a public highway, anyone can use the, horse riders, caravans and bikes. In rural areas where there is no pavement pedestrians have to walk in the road, so should we tax them too?

My "taxed" car sits on the drive like yours, so where do i apply for a rebate as i've cycled more miles than i've driven this year?'



How long should I leave before I mention my Mercedes (£235 a year) or my Land Rover (£215 a year) or my Yamaha (£70 a year) or my Buell (also £70 a year) which sit on the drive or in the garage whilst I'm out riding?

I know this is a cycling forum, but if I woke up one morning and found I owned a Buell, I'd assume I'd died and gone to Heaven.

I admire your taste, but feel some enmity as you own what I covet.

Also, I forgive Doog for his mention as it was comedic.

Also, why did no-one have a massive go at me for my more serious post saying that instead of VED opn bicycles, they should zero-rated for VAT?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
How much CO2 does a cyclist emit when riding hard - can't be anywhere near a 'green' car.

But my FPM (Food Per Mile) consumption isn't good :blush:


Riding the Devil's HIghway
Bolton, England
How much CO2 does a cyclist emit when riding hard - can't be anywhere near a 'green' car.
An article on "The way things work" web site claims that a cylist will typically use energy equivalent to over 900mpg. It did also say that a TdF rider on a 100 mile stage would only be doing about 300mpg due to the wind resistamce at high speed. Since fat and carbs are very similar in composition to petrol, I guess the emissions will compare in a similar manner.
Totally bad article, and misleading.... the tag should be that 75% of respondents did not want road tax for cylists


Active Member
Don't think I'd mind paying a similar VED to motorbikes (around £16 pa for upto 150cc) although I would feel a little disgruntled that after paying the "tax" it is actually illegal for me to most (if not all) Motorways not to mention a number of dual carriage and major A-roads.

As for registration again a motorcycle type registration in principle would be ok (i.e. one smallish light number-plate on the rear) although it would ruin the aerodynamics on my road bike. However, the cost of implementation would probably but on the cyclist registering their steed (unless registered out of the factory, so increasing initial costs even more) and I would have to register 3 bikes...owch!!! The other problem (as has already been mentioned) is that bikes are so transferable, anyone could be riding my bike and breaking the law on it, not to mention that bikes are much easier to steel than cars or motorbikes.


Gravitationally challenged member
If only it was just "Road Tax" being clung on to by those desparate to have something to complain about cyclists. The inside cover of the current Private Eye has an advert for Mercedes Benz. Apparently the "on the road price includes VAT, delivery, 12 month's Road Fund Licence, number plates, first registration fee and fuel". They're far from alone among car manufacturers in advertising something that doesn't exist. Isn't this contrary to advertising regulations?


Bionic Subsonic
If car drivers are so insistent that everyone should pay a 'road tax', then maybe this should be based on the financial damage you actually do to the road. I'm not sure most drivers would actually like the rates of taxation this would cause them however as I've yet to find a bicycle induced pothole.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
You will never get the mainstream media report on just how much private motoring's externals costs massively outweigh all fiscal revenue from motoring.

OK, so you won't get the Tabloids to report it, but we can but try and get the more serious thinking parts of the Media to start taking it seriously...


Leg End Member
Out of curiosity. Has anyone else tried to actually get a valid VED disc by registering their cycle. I drove the DVLA in Leeds nuts trying this. They were at loggerheads as to which were the correct forms required.
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