'Which?' Should Cyclists pay 'Road Tax?' Grrrrrrr

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I just speed read through all the comments and "agreed" with the common sense ones (from cyclists) and "disagreed" with the posts from the bozos. Cheered me up no end.


Riding the Devil's HIghway
Bolton, England
I thought they were just to get more cycling facilities. I must admit that I have seen bits of the Tour de Danger but didnt understand why it was called that.
The Stop SMIDSY campaign is exactly that. Unless you live in London, Manchester or Sussex, you cannot report the incident to the police using the system. It just allows you to store all your information.
Ah, I didn't realize you were being so specific. These are all concerned with people protesting about road safety for cyclists, which depends on many factors, including driver behaviour. It would be highly unlikely that a big protest would be specifically focussed around the precise number of near misses cyclists have had with motor vehicles; that would be far too specific.

From Stop SMIDSY: "Stop SMIDSY will address how the police, the prosecutors, the courts, and the law itself could all do a better job at encouraging people to use the roads in safer and more considerate ways. When we lobby these institutions on your behalf, we need evidence of how they need to improve. That’s where you come in." I didn't think we could use it to report specific incidents to the police; I thought we could just record the fact that we had reported it ourselves.

WNBR participants often have paint on them saying things like "Can you see me now?". Again, this is about driver behaviour and the danger that poor driving poses to cyclists.


I think this was featured on Road.cc when it came out. Aside from the obvious points about road tax not existing (one wonders if Winston Churchill would be so popular in some quarters if the majority of the population realised he set in motion the abolition of Road Tax!) and that plenty of cars are exempt from VED, the statistics quoted in subsequent reports were inaccurate too.

COnfused.com have been hammered by the cycling press over this. They first used 'road tax' as 'the most recognisable description' of what is actually VED (thus perpetuating the myth) and ignored that most cyclists do pay VED as they also have cars. Anyway, rather than precis the whole thing, read it here.


I pay £260 VED for my Lexus to sit on the drive whilst I commute, however this money is more likely to be paying someone's housing benefit than being spent on the roads so the argument is a waste of time.


The answer to this one is 'no'.

I can't see any benefit and can see a lot of problems. I don't think drivers resent the non-payment of VED by cyclists. A few mad Car-Nazis might; and a few mad cycle-zealots might dream of every driver suffering 'You don't pay Road Tax' apoplexy... but by and large this is a non-issue.

I'd be disinclined to introduce legislation that might discourage cycling. For that reason, I don't think it will happen.

If someone wants to introduce some new legislation about cycling, what about a bill to zero-rate bicycles and cycling accessories for VAT.

That would send out the right message and cost the exchequer the square root of f**k all.

But VED for bicycles... tests and registration for bicycles.... really?

No. With a side order of 'No' and some 'No' for pudding.


I pay £260 VED for my Lexus to sit on the drive whilst I commute, however this money is more likely to paying someone's housing benefit than being spent on the roads so the argument is a waste of time.

They used to say it takes fifteen minutes in any situation for an Oxford graduate to mention where they studied.

Some years ago I came to the same conclusion about Lexus drivers. They just have to say what they drive.

It struck a chord. My friends and I have been chuckling about it ever since.

It is also slightly true...

Sorry Doog... I'm sure your Lexus is lovely. Alan Partridge has one, so they must be good.



nothing in moderation
I pay £260 VED for my Lexus to sit on the drive whilst I commute, however this money is more likely to paying someone's housing benefit than being spent on the roads so the argument is a waste of time.
incorrect, housing benefit comes out of your council tax, not general taxation (although some government funding tops up the council tax).

aside from the road tax debate, the a contributing factor to the fact that society is in such a mess is the likes the daily mail putting fear into the 'squeezed middle' that they are paying for a whole layer of benefit scroungers.

a decent society which is run for the benefit of all will inevitably serve up a few people better off on benefit than working, but that's a price to pay for an equitable society, just as there will be those who do better at the other end than they probably deserve.

it's this dread of someone getting something for nothing that fuels the 'cyclists should pay road tax' argument. even if it was true that ved paid for they upkeep of the roads, surely encouraging cycling, which won't contribute to deterioration of the road surface, should be encouraged. after all, everyone has the opportunity to ride a bike instead of a car for some journeys, so it would't be as if we were somehow freeloading off people who were paying ved.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
From Stop SMIDSY: "Stop SMIDSY will address how the police, the prosecutors, the courts, and the law itself could all do a better job at encouraging people to use the roads in safer and more considerate ways. When we lobby these institutions on your behalf, we need evidence of how they need to improve. That’s where you come in." I didn't think we could use it to report specific incidents to the police; I thought we could just record the fact that we had reported it ourselves.

Ah, I understand now.

They are basically just keeping a tally of the details of incidents and where possible, notifying the police about them. I must say it is incredibly useful when you add details about speaking to the police, injuries/damage, and other things. It is a well thought through process of keeping an up to date file of what has happened.

(That reminds me, I must get a jersey with Stop SMIDSY on the back. I might ask for one for christmas).


They used to say it takes fifteen minutes in any situation for an Oxford graduate to mention where they studied.

Some years ago I came to the same conclusion about Lexus drivers. They just have to say what they drive.

How long should I leave before I mention my Mercedes (£235 a year) or my Land Rover (£215 a year) or my Yamaha (£70 a year) or my Buell (also £70 a year) which sit on the drive or in the garage whilst I'm out riding?


They used to say it takes fifteen minutes in any situation for an Oxford graduate to mention where they studied.

Sorry Doog... I'm sure your Lexus is lovely. Alan Partridge has one, so they must be good.


I only quote it for the Alan Partridge factor ^_^...its a comedy thing in work plus the car is a favourite with drug dealers and blokes who run curry houses.

Apart from the VED, the mpg is about 20 around town...but its worth it for that all so smooth straight six :becool:



Somerset UK
I've replied on the which website. basically what i've said (politely) is that the article is cr@p and all that's needed is enforcement of existing road rules, not new ones.
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