Why do peds always give you a mouthful?

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Legendary Member
I gave up reading at "so I pulled over at the next junction"

Just keep on pedalling.

I found myself wondering...(with all due respect Matthew)...why are you analysing it so much. Like gaz intimates (i assume) , its an incident thats something, but nothing. Ride on, don't overanalyse it, forget it. There's idiots on foot, on bikes and in cars. Ride on and enjoy what you do.


Über Member
It wasn't the same bloke whose dog you ran over the other week was it?


Über Member
I found myself wondering...(with all due respect Matthew)...why are you analysing it so much. Like gaz intimates (i assume) , its an incident thats something, but nothing. Ride on, don't overanalyse it, forget it. There's idiots on foot, on bikes and in cars. Ride on and enjoy what you do.

Agreed. No need to analyse (and create a thread for) every minor incident.. Although I did find the bit where you made him run after you slightly amusing.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
Are you in the Guinness book of records for the most run ins in one year
I do find it slightly odd that I get this many incidents. I cannot find anything wrong with my cycling or even my attitude (in most cases).

Just to put the facts out there; since I got my Contour in March, I have had 1500 incidents. These vary from pedestrians, to cyclists, to car drivers. They vary in severity and most are close passes, must pass cyclist or minor incidents. However, I do have a few hundred serious or close calls regarding SMIDSY's, very close passes, left hooks, etc.
I do find this very strange compared to people who cycle in cities or worst places that NW.

I have over analysed things again havent I?:wacko:


Man or Moose!
Another load of cobblers from Mr incident!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
since I got my Contour in March, I have had 1500 incidents.

That is completely insane. :ohmy: But unfortunately comes as no surprise.

I would be lucky to have that many incidents in all of my 46 years of life to date and until I pop my cycling clogs.

Methinks you should throw the camera away, stop trying to change the world and just go out and enjoy your cycling. 1500 incidents means you are clearly not doing so.


Man or Moose!
Two thing's have just come to mind whilst ponding the imponderable (general brain chatter whilst taking a wazz):

1) When you were applying for college, you created another thread full of shite, where they apparently advised you not to cycle. Had you mentioned to them you use a helmet camera and possibly linked them to your youtube (or that they found it some other way), because that would explain a LOT.

2) You keep posting these video's and then stating, how you like to hear opinions and how you include the advice in your cycling to avoid future incidents. Yet, you continue to post up similarly non-incident incidents. Something is not adding up!

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Cycling life must be extremely exciting in North Wales!
In a year of cycling everywhere got shouted at just twice, both times by taxi drivers, so no great surprise there :laugh:
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