Wife's Right Hand Goes Numb(ish)

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My wife and I have hybrids. We just got back from a 30 mile ride. She had to shake her hands out now and then when she noticed they were tingling/numb. Well, we've been back (off the bikes) for some 30 minutes now and her right hand is still numbish. She has feeling in it, but it tingles. What could be the problem?

(This isn't our first ride of this distance. We ride this distance pretty regularly.)
Death grip when riding?


Middle Earth
I get this, in my right hand as well.
I have a known shoulder problem and it seems to be stemming from that. My right arm and hand goes totally numb at points then when I move my shoulder about the pins and needles kick in as the trapped nerves release.
Sorry I can't be of any help, other than maybe a bike fit?

Berk on a Bike

Trapping the ulnar nerve due to hand position on the bars perhaps? It can be alleviated by tweaking the position of the bars (higher and/or closer) and also pay attention to general weight distribution. Too much forward weight will increase pressure.


Legendary Member
Ulnar nerve if the ring and pinky finger side, carpal tunnel the right side. Grip less tightly, maybe look at different grips, bar ends, gloves


Über Member
Ulnar nerve if the ring and pinky finger side, carpal tunnel the right side. Grip less tightly, maybe look at different grips, bar ends, gloves

I am having a big problem with this right now. Right hand is worse than useless at the moment. It has been a problem for a while but after a week off work last week and lots of lovely long rides it has deteriorated to the point where I am going to have to very reluctantly visit the doctor. So I would say definately address the problem before it gets worse. One thing LBS suggested was gel bar tape (mine is a road bike) to reduce vibration also gel gloves and they also checked my position but decided that was ok.

@vickster in my case it seems to be both:sad:


Legendary Member
Oh dear. Get referred to a specialist hand physio, you may need to do it privately. I've been having issues with my left hand for around 6 months, seen a normal physio, seen a hand specialist for tests and a steroid jab, now seeing hand therapist. She actually thinks my issue might be irritation of the ulnar nerve at the elbow as well as the hand. My MRI of the hand showed a healing injury to one of the bones in my hand exactly where the ulnar nerve runs. I have some weakness although full function and some numbness in the fingers.

Lizard skins 3.2mm bar tape is great (not cheap but hard wearing and looks good) plus specialized bg gel mitts

You want to get it sorted, if you are losing strength, it can need surgical intervention. I'd stop cycling for now and let it recover. GP may suggest a hand splint


People who spend a lot of time using a mouse with the right hand will be more vulnerable to right hand issues. You can get expensive ergo mouse and trackball designs, or learn to use them properly, or spend less time at the computer. Or learn to use them left handed as well and vary the use.


Death grip when riding?

I get pain in my left hand, particularly the middle joint of my middle finger and I think it's a result of gripping too hard.

I can ride on quiet backroads for miles with no problems but after a mile on a busy A-road, my hand hurts. Although the A-roads up here are rough, rutted, horrible things and my bike seems to find every bump. Whereas the quiet backroads are a bit better.


I get this, in my right hand as well.
I have a known shoulder problem and it seems to be stemming from that. My right arm and hand goes totally numb at points then when I move my shoulder about the pins and needles kick in as the trapped nerves release.
Sorry I can't be of any help, other than maybe a bike fit?

That sounds extremely similar to what I'm having of late, @ScotiaLass.


Middle Earth
I find myself turning over in the night and laying on the bad shoulder.
I then wake up in agony - really, it has me in tears!
I'm waiting on physio now as I've had it injected 3 times and they won't do it again.

The GP says I have to have physio before I go and see the Consultant as he'll only ask if I've had it, and if not, send me away for a course before he'll see me again.
I'm crossing my fingers for the next month or so!


The North
Lizard skins 3.2mm bar tape is great (not cheap but hard wearing

Just bought this too , fitting at weekend let you know how i get on


Ouch! That sounds bad! I wouldn't say that I wake up in tears, but sleeping and then waking is the worst part for the shoulder pain.

The shoulder pain seems to have lessened over the last few weeks, but the numbness and tingling/pins and needles down my forearm and my hand is getting to be a bit of a pain in the 'arris lately. It has to be a trapped nerve, surely? I thought it was either arthritis or maybe pain from my various breaks and fractures as I'm getting older now. I just don't know and neither, it seems, does the doctor.

I'm supposed to go back to the docs in about a week or so if the pain hasn't gone. I can't afford physio or a consultant.

I hope all goes well for you.
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