Windows 11

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and if that’s the case, the. converting the existing installation to GPT is straight forward as Microsoft supply a handy win 10 tool to do exactly that.
I’ll have to look into this tool.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Windows 11 isn't installing on the 10 year old Think Station - despite the hacks, and hacked Win11 installation ISO, it fails at secure boot - just won't install as the Bios is pretty old. Shame really as the machine flies in general use - Xeon processor and Quadro graphics - ideal office machine.

Will try my i7 laptop once back from repair.
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Windows 11 isn't installing on the 10 year old Think Station - despite the hacks, and hacked Win11 installation ISO, it fails at secure boot - just won't install as the Bios is pretty old. Shame really as the machine flied in general use - Zeon processor and Quadro graphics - ideal office machine.

Will try my i7 laptop once back from repair.
Oh well, I will give it a go on an old 2013 Acer laptop but not expecting much, it had the weediest Celeron in the lineup :sad:


Somewhat ironically, I found that one of the Windows 11 requirements was actually turned off in my installation.

I had to enable Intel (VMX) Virtualisation Technology in bios in order for some of the device security options to be turned on. That in turn switched on in Windows 11 "Core Isolation" in Device Security, when there is a Memory Integrity Switch that prevents malicious code being inserted into processes.

To quote MS, "Memory integrity, also known as Hypervisor-protected Code Integrity (HVCI) is a Windows security feature that makes it difficult for malicious programs to use low-level drivers to hijack your computer".

This refused to switch on, listing three drivers as non-compliant. However, as they related to redundant features (a CD burner in an very old mpg video software suite and an equally old Belkin usb video input device), I could then, thanks to Google, command-line delete the services the drivers were part of. The Memory Integrity switch then worked. The Hardware Security also changed to Enhanced.

No idea how important this is in real world situations but at least it is all working.



Legendary Member
Too much hassle with all the “said hacks” I'll buy a new laptop in the new year :smile:


People have said the same every time a new version came out.
Yeah but this really is a whole new level of frustration. Even some powerful £3000 modern builds have had trouble. Win 10 is fine, 11 is really unpolished & I feel it’s more of a ploy to get people upgrading their whole machines.


Isca Dumnoniorum
I threw caution to the wind last night & upgraded to W11 on a 1 year old laptop with AMD Ryzen 5.
W10 backup & recovery disc was an hour, the W11 upgrade download & install was also about an hour.
Positives so far :-
  1. Quicker boot
  2. Office applications (word, excel etc) appear to open much quicker.
  3. Better open windows snapping
  4. I like the layout of the start menu & new icons
Not sure I'll use the widget sidebar.
Working from home today & all ran smoothly & intuitively, no searching for buttons, icons etc
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