Worst episode of agression yet, really shook up.

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Well, I was having a good day. I had to go to a meeting about seven miles from home, so I used bike hub which worked really well.

On the way back, i was overtaking a parked van when someone pulled out of the juction just ahead of me tuurning right. I slammed brakes on and started to tut, but then it got scary. Look at driver who's laughing and driving straight at me.
I turned wheel to the van that I was passing and ended up toppling sideways into side of van. Lifes gone in to slow motion at this point and I can still see driver laughing.
I let out an involuntary scream, look down see whhels pass about an inch from my front wheel. He the slams brakes on and stops with drivers door next to panniers.
He now has me pinned up against the van with his car, still laughing. Then his face changed and he wound down the window and let out a torrent of abuse about me being on the wrong side of the road and other stuff.
I tried to reason with him and said something along the lines of "if you can't see just inch out, if I'd been in my car we'd have crashed" at which point he ranted on and on about how he couldn't see me because of the van and it was my fing fault for being on the wrong side of the road. I pointed out that that's cos I was passing a parked van, but he just kept shouting "were you on your side of the road or not?"

At this point a passer by started to walk towards us, when the driver spotted him he shouted at me to "piss off" and zoomed off.

Now I'm used to drivers pulling out on me, I'm used to them passing too close. I'm used to them playing cat and mouse but this is the first ime someone has driven at me fast and deliberately. It's really shaken me up. I have a feeling I've had an encounter with a very dangerous man today.

I rang the police who have recorded it, but as I was too shocked to get the reg number, nothing much can be done obviously.
Oh dear. Hope you're not too shook up by it.


There are no words but swearwords to this, Sara.
Have a virtual hug :hugs:and don't give up!
Really shocked Pat. In part it was seeing his crazed face grinning at me as he drove at me thats bothering me. I deal with some real nasty thugs in my line of work, I think I got mixed up with one today.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Sorry to hear about that, Sara. Don't let it put you off though. There are still a few neanderthals about, but fortunately selective breeding keeps their numbers to a minimum.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Sorry to hear that Sara!

Fortunately, it is a while since I had an incident as bad as that, but these things do happen from time to time.

On today's ride, someone actually leaned out of the back of a taxi and hurled sarcastic abuse at my friend and I who were quietly waiting to turn out of a side street. He had a small boy with him, so that's another generation of moron getting his training! :cursing:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hope you recover soon Sara, and also hope, this does not put you off cycling. Take care and good luck :hugs:
Tell the cops everything, write down all you can remember, any stickers on the car, description of the fart knocker driving it, anything that helps narrow it down.
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