Worst episode of agression yet, really shook up.

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extimus uero philosophus
I thought of that, but to be honest, I'm was so shocked that I'm not entirely sure what time the incident place. I wondered off and sat down for a bit. After a while I text the OH at 13.43, so I guess it was probably 10 - 15 minutes before that.
The time doesnt matter too much.When the council gave us CCTV of mum being doored we were told they would look through the footage and track it down. Some private firms will just whack 1 hour of material on a disc and expect you to trawl through it tbh.

Its worth a try sometimes.

Sorry this bugger did this. He's obviously a pretty sad git.


The time doesnt matter too much.When the council gave us CCTV of mum being doored we were told they would look through the footage and track it down. Some private firms will just whack 1 hour of material on a disc and expect you to trawl through it tbh.

Its worth a try sometimes.

Sorry this bugger did this. He's obviously a pretty sad git.
I may approach the council tomorrow, if I had his reg I get the feeling the police would at least speak to him, though I'm realistic about the fact that no charges would be brought in these circumstances.
There are definitely some unpleasant individuals out there, still what goes around comes around he will get his. Don't dwell on it.

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Virtual hugs from here too- what a complete **** - (add appropriate word there!)

Nothing like as bad, but I was almost run off the road earlier by a WVM knuckledragger - and that was just during a 5 minute pootle around the village to the shop.
At least you can rest assured these half-wits are mostly overweight, angry cowardly loser types, with sh*t lives, who are also heart attacks waiting to happen. No doubt hung like rice crispies too :thumbsup:

Big Nick

Senior Member
The bloke sounds a complete pratt, wonder if he'd been as brave with a 15 stone 6' male cyclist

Its sad we have to inhabit the roads with these people and I hope you're not put off using your bike

He is a bully and a dangerous driver whom needs prosecuting, was there any CCTV anywhere nearby that may of caught his registration plate?
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