Wot - nothing - ?

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Alberto Balsam

Senior Member
Had an odd one today as well.... I spotted a guy pushing an MTB on the pavement, so I slowed and asked if he was OK. Yeah, fine he says, I've just set off too late to get where I'm going. "Oh" I sez, "bike OK then"? Yeah he replied, So we chatted a minute then said our farewells and I went on my way, about an hour or so later I was arriving back home and there he was again; passing my house, probably 3 miles away from where I first saw him still pushing a perfectly serviceable bike.... Go figure as they say!:wacko:


North west
Returning home recently, came across a cyclist stopped by the roadside. Judging by the bike and the kit he had on, he was out for a ride, as oppose to commuting. Being a 'proper' cyclist, I naturally stopped to enquire if anything was amiss. It was, he had a puncture. However, he had no spare tube and no tools or pump. I offered him the use of my kit, which I always carry, but he politely declined, saying he had 'phoned home' so someone was on the way to collect him + bike. Is this somewhat shortsighted, going out for a ride with NO tools / tube/ whatever at all - ?:blink:

He may of forgot


Legendary Member
I always have a tyre boot in my saddle bag, a short length cut of a worn out tyre. I've only needed it twice myself, but I've bailed out other cyclists several times. As for a quick release failure, I've never had one in over 40 years of cycling and I'd struggle to fix that one.

What of length is this piece of worn out tyre.

I went out on my road bike today and when I returned I realised I had gone out without my saddle bag ! Twit!


Active Member
I was just like this cyclist at the weekend! I ALWAYS have a puncture repair kit and pump with me (even on my 4.5mile commute to work) but always forget a spare inner tube. At the weekend, I had covered 35miles on my lonesome and was on my way home when I got my puncture. I tried to sort it out but after a very short couple of minutes, I was frustrated and cold so called International Rescue for a lift home (Dad in the Landrover).
Sunday was spent repairing the puncture with the OH watching over my amateur skills and now have my bike back on the road.

I wont panic so much next time....

And I have fallen off my bike with no passers by offering any help despite the blood and tears:sad:

Deleted member 1258

What of length is this piece of worn out tyre.

I went out on my road bike today and when I returned I realised I had gone out without my saddle bag ! Twit!

It varies but somewhere around 4-5 inches long.

Deleted member 1258

I have fallen off in front of the entire Sunday morning local racing peloton: eventually one of them approached "'you ok? we did not want to get near you and frighten you ...." Harumph! :rolleyes:

Very many years ago I used to commute by motorbike, I remember one slippery morning dropping the bike right in front of a long queue at a bus stop.:blush:


In contrast, some time ago, I'd stopped to make a 'phone call. Bike propped on its stand, me sitting on the verge - quiet road, little traffic. A passing lass :girldance:stopped her bike to enquire if everything was okay. Nice gesture of concern though.:thumbsup:
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