Would you expect to eat something during a 50 miler?

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Nothing for me for a 50 miler; and I don't bother with a breakfast either.


Norven Mankey
50 miles @20mph is two and a half hours of fairly high intensity effort. I might just get away with that much time without a refuel but it's getting close to the bonk-zone for me

I'll do a 50 mile ride tomorrow but the difference is that it'll be hilly so it will take me three and a half hours at least. For that much time at fairly high effort I will definitely need to think about food. I'll take some flapjack and I might have a stop after 30 miles or so for a café if I feel like a break

I don't think miles is the key thing to think about. It's time spent at whatever intensity level that matters.


Eat if you feel hungry. Don't eat if don't feel hungry.

Drink if you'r thirsty, don't drink if you're not.

Stop and have a rest if you feel like it.

Why do we manage to make riding a bike so complicated?
That's OK if you are happy with plenty of stops - and why not - but the original query concerned riding distances at a decent average speed, which implied non-stop. If you leave eating until hungry, and drinking until thirsty, it's too late and a longish break to refuel and rehydrate is needed, which the original poster did not seem so keen on.


Legendary Member
I don't think eggs have much if any carbohydrate in them? They will bung you up to counteract the gels though!
If the gels start taking "that" effect you can always shove the egg 'where the sun don't shine'...........that should work just fine.


Wheely World
I would especially if there is alot of height gain involved. I last at most two hours at a reasonable pace. Usually around a museli bar an hour or so.


Prize winning member X2
Might have a slice of toast if setting off early . If going later in the morning i'll have a fry up :mrpig:
If i'm just on toast i may take a banana or cereal bar but if i'm out on my 50 route i'm doing 70 as i don't have a 50 route :huh:
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