Xmas Plans

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Legendary Member
What's your plans for the Festive season?

I'm off to Japan to see a friend in Tokyo who has just returned there from living here in Hongkers.

Have a nice time


Finally managed to convince Mrs Slick not to invite everyone this year, so its back to the good old days when it was just the 2 of us. No doubts it will be like death from a thousand cuts as they want to all drop by for a day or 2 after the event but at least we get to do what we want to do, when we want to do it. So we are heading out for dinner and I can't wait, because we know nearly everyone there as its at my golf club. Hogmanay is a bit different as everyone from both sides of the family are coming to us, so look forward to that as well. Otherwise it will be as little as possible for a couple of weeks. :okay:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
My plan is to do jack squat. 2 grandsons will drop in, one with his girlfriend, one will stay for Christmas Dinner and that's it.

Son and daughter will message merry Christmas and I shall no doubt snooze for half an hour or so.


Silencing his legs regularly
A day off work.


My Armchair
Campervan trip to the south coast for Christmas, staying with my partners family.

I would rather go for a quieter Christmas but it's apparently a tradition for them to do this every other year.

All uphill

Still rolling along
Get out on the bike!

I'll be cooking sweet and sour pineapple and cashew nuts for Ms AU, son and myself.

Read a book.

Very like any other day, hopefully.


I'm going to be very busy on Christmas Eve, I've got billions of houses to visit.

Probably be calling round your house soon, unless you're on my naughty list.

Hold on, just checked my list and there aren't any cyclists on the good list, maybe next year.
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Über Member
I'm planning looking forward to the spring and getting out and about as much as possible. I've always disliked Xmas as i think its very boring and based around rampant consumerism. Fair enough for those that like it. We don't do it really apart from a vegetarian version of the meal.
What's your plans for the Festive season?

I'm off to Japan to see a friend in Tokyo who has just returned there from living here in Hongkers.

After the stress, work and personal, over the past year, I need a good rest.

Plans these days are not quite as interesting as Honkers festive shananigans ... usually off to Koh Samui for a week, then back again end of January at CNY. My company gave us two months wages at the end of December, followed by another double pay-day end of Jan. How mad is that?


Thanks to my fil who will be 93 by the time he gets to us,i can have xmas at home and not in Lancashire.I can get good resting sleep in my own bed.Not a hotel twenty five mins away from him.Thank you sir for thinking of me.I hope he has a most wonderful birthday and enjoys the surprise he is going to get from his daughter and granddaughter.
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