Your day's wildlife

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Resolutely on topic
It won’t be long before they start gathering serious amounts of nest material.

I had a significant Birthday on Tuesday and my missus and family bought me a Nikon DSLR between them as I had mentioned I had not owned a real camera for over 30 years. Me and my partner did a 8 mile coastal walk from Swanpool to Helford Passage and I tried it out.
I got really lucky with the Seal, the robin was really friendly and I got within a foot of it.


Legendary Member
Forgot to post, Tues afternoon on the way home, a Little Egret in the edge of a field.
Ages since i saw one (mind i'm hardly cycling at the moment so not really 'out there' to see much anyway)

Edited to add...
Colleague just showed me a photo, his daughter has a small farm and fitted an owl box a week ago, one week later, a barn owl seems to have taken up residence.


Girl from the North Country
started to pull the dandelions out of the borders but stopped when the first butterfly I have seen this year came down to feed (tortoise shell I think)
Dandelions are an important source of nectar at this time of yera. Well done for leaving them.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
About 35 yards from the window of my tiny office is a flat-roofed two storey rear extension on the house opposite. There's a rainwater hopper that channels the water from the roof into a downpipe. About five weeks ago I noticed a pair of fairly manky urban pigeons regularly disappearing into the hole in the brickwork that feeds the hopper, presumably to build some kind of nest.
Yesterday, I gazed out and saw a large crow sitting on the edge of the hopper, reach into the brickwork, and come out with a tiny flapping bit of pigeonkind in its beak. It then flew to another flat roof nearby and started pecking enthusiastically. Magpies followed.
An hour later, one of the victim's parents was sitting nearby the nest waiting. It stayed virtually immobile for well over an hour, seemingly not noticing the crow returning to the adjacent roof and flying off with a tiny, lifeless, limp dead pigeon in its beak. I know that a crow's gotta do what a crow's gotta do, but the body language of the waiting adult pigeon was utterly pitiful.
Red in tooth and claw.


Girl from the North Country
My neighbour feeds a flock of feral pigeons which then roost on my roof. They obviously trying to breed at the minute as something is depositing eggs on my patio. Either the pigeons are so stupid they don't lay them in a safe place or something like a crow is nicking them and dropping them.

Much as I like birds & other wildlife I don't really want a flock of pigeons living on my roof.
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