Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
Erm that would be river lol!


A first for me today - I took my bike on the train. I had to meet an estate agent at our old place -which is for sale if anyone wants it - didn't have time to cycle both ways so it was the best compromise. Tbh it wasn't as much fun as I thought, I had to stand up holding the bike and the conductor was quite grumpy about me being there.
Ah well, a nice enough 12miler home, but the wind was not my friend - nor was the woman in the red audi who tried to squish me on the bridge!


Here for rides.
earlier than normal into work, roads much quieter for 90% of route but still busy-ish at destination end, benign summer rain threatened to go all wintry on me at one point, but otherwise as joyous a 50 minutes on a bicycle you could hope for at 07:00am on a blowy Augril Thursday morning.


Legendary Member
A right mess this morning, commuting to work and I keep seeing a potentially short cut across a feld that may save me 10 minutes if I happen to be late one I detoured and checked it out. Big over my shoulder the grass was nearly waist deep, wet and difficult too walk through. Then my pump fell off ...blowed if I could find it in the long grass even though I was only walking. Still, at least I know now.
This evenings ride was hard, just no energy for some reason, the side wind just sapped me.
Still, 15 miles is as good as it gets lately. I'm struggling a bit.

Paul J

Managed to break a spoke and get a puncture on the way home from work. Managed to repair puncture and back off rear brake so I could get home with a buckled wheel.

Old Plodder

Living at the top of a steep 2 mile climb
19 miles out from home and 2 spokes snapped like rifle shots! Wheel so badly out of true it rubbed in 3 places. Luckily I had my new multi-tool with a spoke spanner [wedding anniversary present... Mrs A_T got opal ear-rings!]... got me home, just.

Does anyone carry spare spokes with them, and if so, where do you put them? :laugh:
Usually carried strapped or taped to the chain or seat stays.
(Normally only on tour away from home.)
Up before the milkman this morning, banged the mountain bike round my 30 mile course before 7am, showered, then off to work.
Definately enjoying silly o'clock rides before the world and his car get in the way!!!

Did the 30 in under 2 hours the other morning on the mountain bike ... can't beat a bit of heavyweight training. :laugh:
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