Your ride today.... (part 1)

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T'was a day of blue skies, sunshine and a strong hint of spring (and never mind the forecast for tomorrow and and tomorrow and tomorrow) so I led a ride up into the Blackdown Hills.

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It was great to be out though I nearly had a mutiny on my hands when our chosen lunch stop wasn't as welcoming as the false words on their website promised. A pub that serves lunch at half past one on a Saturday afternoon? Now why on earth would they want to do that? (And never mind the Website of Lies.) Plan B, a small coffee shop, was closed and Plan C was looking like empty bellies all the way home until we remembered the pub we don't usually frequent as it's between the roads we tend to ride. I was sent to spy out the land (probably so they could discuss how to dispose of my body) but to my horror I was too late ... the kitchen had closed at two. :ohmy: I explained about the grumpy pub down the road and the kitchen was promptly reopened! :wahhey: Even better, the food and service were excellent so we'll definitely be going back.
Stunning view :thanks:


The Glue that binds us together.
50 miles with friends and the other half,also we had 3 youngsters in tow, they were very keen and did really well, aged around 16 and it was good to have them on the ride, better than sitting indoors on there x boxes. the three of them ride Halfords Carreras, as we were all going up towards Potters Bar one of there pedals fell off, he had only had it a month,we could not fix it on the road as the thread had got damaged. so i got him to carry on ridding on one pedal, luckily Shorter Rochfords was not to far away, he made it to the shop i had a quick word with the governor who had it sorted very quickly and we where on our way, i don't think they had been in a proper bike shop before as they were drooling over all the bikes.^_^ they did not charge for doing it either, Full marks for Shorter Rochford at Potters Bar, the rest of the ride was uneventful but very enjoyable, we ended up at the Finchley branch of Shorter Rochfords, it's my other halfs Birthday and she wanted to upgrade her wheels, so i bought her a pair of Fulcrum 3s, at a very good price, so all in all a really good day, and the three youngsters want to come again.


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South Somerset
The scenery on my patch isn't as dramatic as in some parts of the country, nor does it blow your socks off, but it's consistently beautiful without being chocolate-boxy. And it's slowly becoming home.
Somerset, is my adopted county, and has all I want. Stunning views, rivers, moors, etc. Dunster and similar villages really do it for me, and I love Exmoor.


West Somerset
Somerset, is my adopted county, and has all I want. Stunning views, rivers, moors, etc. Dunster and similar villages really do it for me, and I love Exmoor.
If we ever get a Wednesday that's not chucking it down with rain, come over this way and I'll take you on a ride that manages to combine the skirts of the Quantocks, Brendons and Blackdowns with some coastline and valleys.
Yesterday I needed to look at and price up some lean to greenhouses (to cover our back door) So rode up towards Longtown from the A69, through Little Corby, took the second turning past the airfield to Laversdale (that nasty mound leading to Newby East had my legs going). The wind was mostly behind or crossing me and I made good time to the A6071. Followed this to the Garden Centre at Whitesyke. Had a break there and talked green houses and prices. Took off and took the first left to the A7 which I crossed. By now average was dropping and the wind was stronger. Picked up NCR 7 and followed it along the old railway track that is a bit muddy (incidentally there is a large tree trunk blocking one of the arches below the bridge over the Lyne and this could be a potential danger if it is not removed) to where NCR10 comes in. Took a right here and followed the road over the M6 and railway to Rockcliffe and back to Carlisle and along the A69 past the football crowds (not as many as in the past) to home. Good ride, blustery at times but dry. Seen a few roadies out but not many. Overall 31.50 good enjoyable miles. Only problem is I haven't started my new year resolution to take photos of my rides, even though I had my phone camera with me and my old digital in a pannier ready to go. I WILL TAKE PHOTOS ON THE NEXT LONG RIDE.


Über Member
18 mile out and back including Tour de Richmond Park, trying to improve on my Strava starting point (8448th of 9661 or 843rd of 945 in my age group). A bit blowy but enjoyed it loads and took nearly a minute off my best to get under 27 mins. I checked it and that's 200 places overall but still leaves me in the 8200s,, or 823rd in my age group - this is a very popular route! My target is to get into the 7s in both cases, but that's going to need another minute. Its tough this pacing thing.
Yaaayyy managed to do a 20 mile cycle track ride in and around scunny today.............WITHOUT breaking anything:thanks:but it was blowing a gale again, so we decided to stay in more sheltered areas, which didn't help much as the sheltered areas were more like wind tunnels with occasional sidewinds to keep you on your toes, anyway we popped into one of the local bike shops to have a browse and noticed he still had the carbon Whistle...........gorgeous looking bike, but he still hasn't put the bar tape on it, no wonder it isn't selling as it looks used like this, so next weekend I will be popping in to put the tape on and index the gears as his mechanic hasn't even bothered with it. so off we went again and with a tailwind and down the steep hill heading home I broke the 50mph barrier..........50.3mph:wahhey:but had to slow down and wait at the bottom, the 53 chainring has helped lots for top speed, but I do struggle a tad more climbing which is understandable, so back home and hoping the wind drops a little so we can get out again this afternoon:thumbsup:

Oh and Eileen has got "Fastest female cyclist" along Scotter road sector on Strava......well done Eileen, not bad for someone with a plastic knee:bravo:

Alex H

Legendary Member
After the joys of finishing work at 03:00 this morning and sleep by 04:00, I had to put the alarm clock on to get me up in time for a decent ride. After only 3 whacks on the snooze button I crawled out of bed at about 9... I couldn't possibly waste a day like today :sun:

I first rode towards town and was quite surprised by the headwind. The forecast was for chilly but calm and warming up to 12c by lunchtime. Never mind, it blew the cobwebs out..

Great pics again @PeteXXX ^_^

I worked on Brackmills for 5 years without seeing half the stuff you've shown us - wished I'd taken my bike for the lunch hours now :rolleyes:
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