Your ride today....

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Well-Known Member
Southeast Alaska
Crashed in the gravel today. Going too fast downhill to make the curve to the left. Lost some skin and broke the mirror but the worst thing was some holes in the sleeve of my new really nice(read expensive) rain jacket.The bike was okay.



Über Member
My usual route today, a 31km loop to Waterfall and back to train and to also see how much difference my wheel and tyre swap made.
The GP5000's are worth every cent, and I'm sure the wheels helped too.
I was consistently a gear higher everywhere, and despite a run of red lights still managed to get around in 1 hr 5 mins at an average of 28.5km/h.
This bike is such a good all rounder, the only thing missing is a slightly higher top gear but I can live with that.
No photo from the ride as I was feeling too good to stop (plus trying to beat the rain) so a pic from yesterday.


Active Member
Crashed in the gravel today. Going too fast downhill to make the curve to the left. Lost some skin and broke the mirror but the worst thing was some holes in the sleeve of my new really nice(read expensive) rain jacket.The bike was okay.

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Sorry about your mishap, scary stuff gravel. I hope the injury heels fast. I also hope you can get your jacket repaired.


self serving virtue signaller
Crashed in the gravel today. Going too fast downhill to make the curve to the left. Lost some skin and broke the mirror but the worst thing was some holes in the sleeve of my new really nice(read expensive) rain jacket.The bike was okay.

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Always happens when the jacket is new!

Most importantly, glad the bike is OK.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Due to bad weather and illness, this was my first ride of the month. By now you will know of my hobby of following the Severn Bore by bike, which I had the chance to do again today.

Having missed a couple of monster bores this week, I was really pleased that, after struggling out to Epney against a strong SW wind this morning, the forecast three star bore turned out to actually be one of the best I've seen for years. You never quite know how they are going to turn out. Today's strong sou'wester was balanced by an already high river level, and this produced a cracker of a wave followed by a really impressive surge that flooded the fields either side of the river.

I like to include a few wildlife shots in my ride reports from time to time. This was certainly my first mermaid sighting:

Once the wave had passed, instead of chasing it upstream I made the snap decision this time to get a 50km qualifying ride in for the Half Century Challenge and to kill two birds with one stone. (NB: No birds were actually harmed, though I almost ran over a squirrel). I rode on down to Arlingham, then Frampton via Priding, catching various views of the rising flood water:




Had every kind of weather today, but it never rained too heavily or for too long. I ended up thoroughly enjoying myself. 32.7 miles. Still in the Challenge. Hopefully I'll get a second ride in before the end of the month.
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Formerly known as Speedfreak
Todays planned 60 miles got cut to 30 after being knocked off by a car just outside of Wetwang, annoying for many reasons obviously but more so I fancied the chippy there for lunch. The most annoying thing which is bothering me now the adrenaline and shock has worn off is she didn't stop. Braked and looked from what I could tell as I was tumbling into the rough however then continued on, the 3 cars behind also didn't stop, us cyclists are hated it seems.

Started out feeling great too, no issues with the bike or me which makes a change.
Tailwinds of 25mph made it a fairly quick ride too. Rescued by the amazing girlfriend, bike seems ok however I've brusied my left knee and have little movement in my right arm which walk in clinic assure is muscular and will heal. Got soaked waiting for the lift which we would have ridden through anyway, wine and takeaway is now on the menu.
I'm shaken I must admit, I'm normally pretty hardy to these things but I'm upset, annoyed and broken currently.
A few pics of the ride to that point





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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
One from Wednesday: I had the chance to get out so took it, opting for one of my routes to Oaks, Pulverbatch and Wilderley this time. The weather was reasonably mild and sunny when I set out but very windy, which I hoped would be helping on the way back.

Setting out with the climb over Lyth Hill I had the wind right in my face which made this section quite a plod. After being bone dry most of last month the track over the top is back to having lots of puddles. I descended to Exford's Green and aimed for Plealey next, being buffeted at every gateway or gap in the hedge. The climb to Oaks was slow and steady - The lack of riding is still being felt, but not so acutely as last time out. There was more traffic than I'm used to here and I needed to pull in a handful of times to let them past.

The hill out of Wrentnall also needed a stop to let a vehicle down the hill but the next hill was managed without interruption. From Pulverbatch I took the usual way to Wilderley and noted the dark cloud that was sweeping in. The rain caught up with me near Smethcott but fortunately wasn't very heavy and didn't last long. I thought I'd go for the shorter option this time so headed through Leebotwood, after which I picked up a good tailwind to Longnor, Ryton, Condover and the flat way to home.

23.9 miles at 11.9 mph average. Good to get out.


On the climb to Oaks, just by Longden Manor.


The view from the top of the climb after Wrentnall.


Rainbow over the Wrekin.


The Pound at Leebotwood


I’d arranged a morning ride with my mate Paul and awoke to beautiful sunny skies, but a strong West/South Westerly wind blowing well over 30mph at times.

I rode straight into that wind for the first couple of miles, to a local school where I met Paul. We’ve not been out together for over a month, due to my holiday and other plans. Paul is doing London to Brighton in June and so I asked if he’d been out riding much…He’d done a couple of short rides, but apparently starts a proper 12 week training plan this week! Hopefully he sticks to it.

We set off along the very busy main road to Hook a Gate and Annscroft, being buffeted by the wind which made it hard going. The flag at Annscroft confirmed we’d then have a nice tail wind for a good few miles, which made the section to Exfords Green and Stapleton nice easy cruising and with quieter lanes it allowed some chatting to take place.

We crossed the A49 without having to stop, which must be a first on a Saturday morning and then continued on to Condover. There were a couple of hairy moments along the road after Gonsal, due to gusts of wind from gateway’s which blew us sideways and then again at times on Lyons Lane.

We turned North towards Betton Abbots, which was quiet other than a massive lorry needing to pass us with a digger on the back, that was a tight squeeze but fair play to the driver who was patient until an overtaking place arrived.

The final stretch was back into the wind and a few spots of rain had also started falling. We parted ways with 15.08 miles done at 12.2 mph avg speed
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