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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Wednesday: @gavgav had arranged a day off and asked if I would join him for a metric century. I went over on the Raleigh and we met up shortly after the morning rush to start off on the usual meandering route out of Shrewsbury and heading for Upton Magna and the climb across Haughmond Hill. We went at a brisk sociable pace as this is training for Gav's upcoming big ride. We had an unexpected hold up at Ebreywood where a telegraph pole was being replaced. I did ask whether we could walk the bikes through but the rather miserable looking crew weren't having that this time. Fortunately they weren't far off being done so it was just a few minutes wait.

After crossing an unusually quiet A53 we got along swiftly through Astley, Hadnall and Harmer Hill, enjoying having a bit of a tailwind. The average speed seemed disappointingly low though and I think that hadn't been helped by the stop-start riding as we left town.
From Myddle we followed the same route as a previous ride to Weston Lullingfields, Bagley and Lower Hordley. The road had been really quiet but as usual traffic picked up a bit after passing the ABP Meats plant. At Rednal we took to quieter lanes through Grimpo and West Felton. My bike started making a knocking again that I could feel through the pedals and at a junction near Woolston I had a check: the cranks are tight, maybe the new bottom bracket is faulty?? There is no play or roughness. It's difficult to judge as the knock stopped when we got going again.

Through The Wood towards Maesbrook we found more traffic than I usually see on this lane. Our lunch stop was taken by the church at Melverley where the weather was so nice I could have just stopped and enjoyed the quiet location for the rest of the afternoon. There were still a lot of miles to cover though so we pressed on through Crew Green, Halfway House, Westbury and Minsterley. We had a pub stop planned for late on in the ride and at Pontesbury I gave my brother a call to see if he was free and if he wanted to meet us. He was and did so we did the last stretch through Plealey, Hook-a-gate and Nobold with that anticipation helping.

In Nobold a BMW driver ignored a passing space and squeezed past at the narrowest point of that lane.:rolleyes: It was good therefore to have a polite driver make up for it a little further down the road. We reached The Beacon to find Doug waiting - he bought a round and we sat and chatted in the sunshine and warmth. I don't know about Gav but I felt quite mellow when we set off again. We decided to drop into town and ride through The Quarry rather than take the direct route back - much more scenic.

68.1 miles by the time I got back with 13.3 mph average. Strava seems to have added more than 3/4 of a mile over what my speedometer says.:blink: It claims 2406 feet of climbing on this one.

While doing some maintenance on the Raleigh a couple of days afterwards I found that the rear tyre had a cut which has rendered it scrap after only 140 miles. Not really happy with that and nobody local seems to stock the Goodyear Eagle Sport so I've refitted the Vittoria Voyager Hyper tyres I had for this bike and will think again when they wear out.

We were concentrating on riding so the photos are a bit random on this one:




Some pics from our lunch stop at Melverley. The current church (built 1406) replaced one that was burned down by Owain Glyndwr's men.


Back to Shrewsbury and a view across the Quarry to the new St. Chad's church (built 1792 after the old church collapsed).
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The usual group ride for me today and you can see the typically long stops at the cafe and pub 🙃



Über Member
Out for a short ride this morning near home on the outskirts of Sydney.

It was 8 degrees this morning so I kept the cadence up and enjoyed exploring the unfamiliar roads (I've only moved here recently).

I was fortunate to see a few fellow Clydesdales, they were enjoying the sun warming things up as much as me

It was the first run for my Repco Eurosport Tri A since changing gearing and converting to brifters (well one for shifting anyway).
I've resisted fully embracing them but I'm now a convert- definitely a safer option when roads are bumpy and transitioning for climbs is so much easier and quicker.


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Dave 123

Legendary Member
Yesterday, after a beach walk with the dogs there was a biblical downpour around these parts, flash floods and all. So I went out for a short explore.

The flooding had gone, but the river was still chocolate, and in Dunstone I spoke to a man cleaning up, the water was an inch from breaching the flood gate on his house.

Taken earlier from my van







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Legendary Member
Last night, ride to station, get train with bike, then ride from Paddington to Clapham Common, with three friends, to start Walk the Walk marshalling.

Once signed in we rode over night until 8:00 riding to various points in the WtW marathon route, helping out, marshalling junctions, relieving other volunteers, and encouraging the walk participants, and generally being good eggs.

A long, tiring, rewarding and fun night / morning.









The 12 mile Asparagus Ride organised by Cycle Evesham Vale with our son. First time he's done this much cycling in one go, and he was really chuffed. He managed pretty much all of the hills, only one of them he walked the last ten meters or so, and I am sure he would have managed with a bit more of gritting of the teeth. Beautiful ride and beautiful morning.


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
Sunday morning after an evening at the pub. Surprisingly I was up before 6, but no longer fancied a run down towards the south coast, so I went west, hunting for new roads, and maybe some Veloviewer map tiles.
Have been feeling quite strong on the bike recently, but this dodgy photo suggests I made the jump to light speed somewhere near the Brookwood military cemetery.

Found some lovely new roads, and a few bridleways with hazards.

The Bridelways were still very muddy in places, so I hoped a named cycle trail might be better.

I was wrong. STupid name for a cycle trail anyway.

BAck onto roads near Tongham, and reluctantly cycled past the brewery, passed underneath the A31 and started riding back eastwards through some delightful villages (Seale? Puttenham?).
FRom a distance saw an impressive construction of climbing plants; with a rope framework about 12 feet tall. I assumed it might be hops, but up close it turned out to be a 50:50 planing of raspberries and convolvulus.

And then onto NCR22, which went through a rather nice golf course. I hope that fairway isn't downwind of all that convolvulus!

Reached the outskirts of Guildford which means a climb with some rather nice views, and then a terrifying descent called "The Mount". My imagined fitness was flagging now - I was feeling sore, and so I cheated and jumped on a train home. Stopping first at the snack counter on the platform to buy a Pain au Raisin.
"The payment machine isn't working" said the server, "you can have this one on the house". Result!

The numerals: 43.81 miles (71.5 km) in 3 hrs 15 minutes (moving time) so 13.5 mph. Not bad considering the offroading, and the constant stopping for photos and checking the map. The bike needs a good clean.

13 rider

Congratulations to @C R mini


Legendary Member
A perfect day, light winds, sunshine, warm but not too hot. I headed out early towards Windermere via the Silverdale AONB, Levens and the lovely villages skirting the Lyth Valley. Hawthorn and cow parsley were in full flower, the garlic was just going over. The undulating route took me toward the lake and to Blackwell, an arts and crafts house, formerly owned by a Manchester brewery owner. The view across the lake was lovely as was the flat white and flapjack. My route took me to near the lake shore before climbing steeply to the tiny roads east of the lake. I plunged down to the Lyth Valley road and had a final stop at Levens village shop before heading home. 103 km with 1200 m of climbing.

Pictures are of River Bela at Dallam Tower, bike resting in Lyth Valley, views from Blackwell and another Lyth view.




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Dave 123

Legendary Member
The 12 mile Asparagus Ride organised by Cycle Evesham Vale with our son. First time he's done this much cycling in one go, and he was really chuffed. He managed pretty much all of the hills, only one of them he walked the last ten meters or so, and I am sure he would have managed with a bit more of gritting of the teeth. Beautiful ride and beautiful morning.

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